Maine's New Exhaust Law? Effective July 12, 2010?

Ok.. so basically this is no change to the existing law? hahaha.

what a glorious WASTE OF ****ING TIME! Maine has had the SAE J1169 standard for as long as I can remmeber. and that is 95db @ 30" @ 45 deg from exhaust face at 50% of rated HP.

so on a subie it is somewhere at 3500rpm no load.

yeah, they basically made a new law that says the same thing, 95 db or gtfo. until inski fails me my stock axleback can sit right where it is in the barn

I read that as Maine did not go with the SEMA model and you guys are all up the creek without a paddle.... On a lighter note I have an '08+ stock STI exhaust for sale.... $1500 LOL

From SEMA:
Maine Exhaust Noise: On the heels of similar laws enacted in California and Washington State, a version of SEMA-model legislation to create an enforceable motor vehicle exhaust noise standard was signed into law in Maine. Under its previous law, Maine deemed illegal all modifications that increased noise levels above that emitted by the vehicle
i was always told by inspection stations that they were already using the 95db thing....whatever, untill they make me take it off, it stays

by law maine is supposed to enforce the 95 DB thing already, i'm an inspection tech, i'll pass it if it has no leaks, cat(s) and atleast A muffler. then the technical stuff it has to exit the car where there isn't a window that has capability of opening, and has to exit all the way out to the side or rear of vehicle. I heard this law was enforcing no exhaust system that is not factory so i was offly concerned, and anxious to see what would actually happen... i seriously doubt that police will carry DM's though.... who know's...

Ok.. so basically this is no change to the existing law? hahaha.
what a glorious WASTE OF ****ING TIME! Maine has had the SAE J1169 standard for as long as I can remmeber. and that is 95db @ 30" @ 45 deg from exhaust face at 50% of rated HP.

so on a subie it is somewhere at 3500rpm no load.
I have had a state police officer enforce the 95db law. Gave me a ticket cause my exhaust is loud and i couldn't prove it was under 95.

Had it tested, but not sure if it was 30'' away, and had to go to 4500rpm. Might have it tested again...

drive it till you get caught ahah that's what im doing i got pulled over for my exhaust in north berwick and he gave me a warning and said i had to remove my exhaust in a week whatever i wont drive through north berwick anymore lol but he pulled me over cuz he said he heard my car backfire which i didnt hear a thing i drive my car everyday you would think i could hear my car backfire everytime it does

What a loud of donkey balls. I swear. Thank God I have the stock looking axle back on my car. Turbo XS for the win on that one.

Makes me kinda happy that I like my stock exhaust now. Someone should try to start a repeal for this though. It was probally some community in yarmouth with there noses in the air that had some influence with the government and snuck it in there.
Really? You had to blame it on Yarmouth?

I think it was Sanford.

Maybe its because people that live in Lewiston aren't liked that much so someone wanted to piss them all off and everyone else in the process. LOL.

This could be very bad. As I read the "new" law, the 95 db limit no longer applies...If it's not stock, you could face a fine. Not sure what happens if you get stopped after that. I hope SAN or UBM can lend some weight to having this overturned.

Maybe its because people that live in Lewiston aren't liked that much. LOL.
Hey! WTF!

Now what Am i going to do.. haha
Same thing as me. Bounce your car off the rev limiter going by a statie =P

nah jk, i can see if someones got their car straightpiped with no cats or resignators (oops!) and is being obnoxious with it...

I just dont see why they have to come down on everyone with exhausts, why not just crack down on the people with the stupid loud harleys? we're in it for more power, and most of them are in it for the "hey, HEY LOOK AT ME IM ON A HARLEY, WATCH ME TWIST MY THROTTLE AND LOOK LIKE AN A$$HOLE!" factor, we're doing nothing wrong with "loud" exhaust notes. Most of us dont pin it everywhere either, whats wrong with a little boxer rumble?

Same thing as me. Bounce your car off the rev limiter going by a statie =Pnah jk, i can see if someones got their car straightpiped with no cats or resignators (oops!) and is being obnoxious with it...

I just dont see why they have to come down on everyone with exhausts, why not just crack down on the people with the stupid loud harleys? we're in it for more power, and most of them are in it for the "hey, HEY LOOK AT ME IM ON A HARLEY, WATCH ME TWIST MY THROTTLE AND LOOK LIKE AN A$$HOLE!" factor, we're doing nothing wrong with "loud" exhaust notes. Most of us dont pin it everywhere either, whats wrong with a little boxer rumble?
they have no idea just how nutless their bikes are and that those pipes did nothing for them except what you just said. 30,000 bucks and they just hit 110hp....and im not kiddn

drvsdwyz is screwed
lmfao!!! hahaha, on second thought maybe i don't want to sell my stock tbe......

this law is retarded!! anyone know how we can repeal this? because it's not just our cars and the bikes. You also gotta figure all of the trucks in maine that have exhaust systems as well, this is gunna hurt businesses......even though most of us don't get them from maine businesses.


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