Maine's New Exhaust Law? Effective July 12, 2010?

This is ****ed.

I ought to call my 'contact' who is head of motor vehicle inspections in Maine. See what he has to say about all this...

This is ****ed.
I ought to call my 'contact' who is head of motor vehicle inspections in Maine. See what he has to say about all this...

would that be Lt. Brian P. Scott? the maine state police traffic safety character?

oh and my supervisor at work is also a holden cop, he told me straight up that he would not be enforcing that law, or at least not for me, he likes the sound of my wrx too much

I think its really going to come down to.... Cops will be cracking down on people with obviously absurd exhaust. Sorry if you have one. But maybe you shouldn't. I can tell you that I most likely wont get looked at twice with my SPT exhaust, and I prefer it that way. I just don't need the attention. On a side note: If they are hearing my EWG then chances are I have a reason to be pulled over anyway.

My not so eloquent email to both our senators and our governor.

There is a motor vehicle law that is about to come into effect in a few days regarding modified exhausts.

I am not going to wax poetic about this... but suffice to say that I think this is a terrible idea for a few reasons

1) The main offenders are harley's who do it for noise alone

2) Exhaust systems rot and rust over time, and many mainers replace them with aftermarket units, because they cost significantly less than factory units

3) This law will force many mainers to purchase factory exhaust systems or PAY THE PRICE

My suggestion: Why not have a decibel limit for inspections? Many aftermarket exhausts are below the maximum dB limit for federally approved vehicles. This will weed out all the OBSCENELY loud Harley's and keep all the citizens caught in the flak safe from this unfair law.

Please consider my points and do everything in your power to repeal this law. It is unfair, unjust, and unnecessary. There are much more elegant ways to fix this problem!
would that be Lt. Brian P. Scott? the maine state police traffic safety character?
oh and my supervisor at work is also a holden cop, he told me straight up that he would not be enforcing that law, or at least not for me, he likes the sound of my wrx too much
He's in my phone as Scott 'EPA' Wilson

as if to prove everyone elses point, i had a kid i went to school with come up behind me on his victory hog earlier, straight pipes, couldn't even hear my exhaust inside with the windows rolled up. he then proceeded to drop a gear and pass me, almost shattering my eardrums. i'm all for pipes on bikes. but being dinkish is what's screwing the rest of us

as if to prove everyone elses point, i had a kid i went to school with come up behind me on his victory hog earlier, straight pipes, couldn't even hear my exhaust inside with the windows rolled up. he then proceeded to drop a gear and pass me, almost shattering my eardrums. i'm all for pipes on bikes. but being dinkish is what's screwing the rest of us

i touched on that in my email to john baldacci and joe perry

I feel that if people are respectful and do not drive or operate their vehicle with the intent to create a loud, obnoxious noise, but to increase performance and fuel mileage, that they should be exempt from this new law.
and then later said:

If citizens are upset because irresponsible drivers are creating loud exhaust noise, then law enforcement needs to crack down, not impose a new law, hurting the responsible drivers with aftermarket exhausts as well.
The stock exhaust on the Jeep sounded pretty close to the flowmaster on it now towards the end of its was smashed up pretty badly. That being said...the Jeep doesn't pass the db test, which is why I have a turndown on my tailpipe. I would prefer to not have to find a stock muffler and put that on, people will be able to hear how clanky the engine is...

Hrm.. I just (Finally) got a ME inspection sticker on my car dated for July 11... Does that make me grandfathered for my exhaust? heheh

i just stopped at the local cop shop and had an officer print off the laws that they had given to them. no db clause, says any muffler louder than what came on the vehicle is illegal, so how many of you want me to weld on new mufflers the weekend?

This is ****ing ridiculous..... Friggin govtards...... Man..... Let's see, this place is looking more and more like the ol' USSR

PS: And i dont even have an aftermarket exhaust......

This is ****ing ridiculous..... Friggin govtards...... Man..... Let's see, this place is looking more and more like the ol' USSR
PS: And i dont even have an aftermarket exhaust......
For "land of the free", we do really have some of the most ridiculous nanny state laws.....

<- glad stock axle back is a 5 minute tinker session away. however, where none of this has been on the news, and inspection stations AND police don't even know about it, if any of you get razzed, "the law was 95 db when i got a sticker, how the hell am i supposed to know it changed?" that's my story and I'm sticking to it

I think I'm just gonna pull my SPT off and have it coated black. Its fairly mellow, and never really gets a second look. I can hope that making it stand out a little less might help it fly under the radar.

^the cop looked at my car and said "that isn't stock?" with a bewildered look. high temp flat black spray cans ftw!

HOLY CRISPY CRAP excuse my misinformation!

i read the section printed out by the policeman at my local station, and compared the "amended" sections outlined on the printout with the actual maine inspection manual online, the 95db rule stands, but the wording from the amended sections makes it sound like police have more creative license to harass people with aftermarket exhaust

pardon my jumping the gun with what i posted

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I talked to bath's sheriff today.. He told me this new law is mostly directed to motorcycles.. The ones that had the exhaust so loud when your 3 cars back and it still makes your windows shake.. As far as he knew the 95db law still stands.. And he asked me if my exhaust was within the legal limit in effect right now I told him yes and he goes then I would not worry about it.


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