Maine's New Exhaust Law? Effective July 12, 2010?

we just had a kid sign up for his inspection license, state sent him a copy of the new updated manual and this new law is in the book...... its not just for bikes, cars and trucks as well....i know ill be getting a sticker every year!!!! i have my own license!!!

we just had a kid sign up for his inspection license, state sent him a copy of the new updated manual and this new law is in the book...... its not just for bikes, cars and trucks as well....i know ill be getting a sticker every year!!!! i have my own license!!!
How hard is it to get a license...? haha

I know people though, I can get stickers

must be working at a licensed inspection station. its a 3 part test, admin, auto and emissions if your in cumberland county. The hardest part is the administrative portion, how much is a sticker, where can you place them, what are the classes of vehicles like the rest of you guy are s^&% out of luck!!!!!

we just had a kid sign up for his inspection license, state sent him a copy of the new updated manual and this new law is in the book...... its not just for bikes, cars and trucks as well....i know ill be getting a sticker every year!!!! i have my own license!!!
attention, everyone get an inspection from matt!


Lol. That'll be 18.50 please and an extra fee which I'll determine at a later date when I get out of jail!!!!!!

I called the state police and spoke to them on this, that law that goes in effect july 12th is for MOTORCYCLES. cars sames rules as used to be still apply.

I called the state police and spoke to them on this, that law that goes in effect july 12th is for MOTORCYCLES. cars sames rules as used to be still apply.
I hope so as I need to get an inspection in the next month and have the same exhuast that was on when you did it before 94.9db... stock was 93db. If it is changed I am swapping plates down to Florida. No inspection ftw.

Does any one have an exact copy of what the new law says? From what people are saying on facebook everything that's not stock (meaning performance) is not alright to run and its CARS AND TRUCKS TOO!

I need to know because I need to register my car in the next month and if this is the case I am going to register my car down south because I am moving next year and I spend half the year down there anyways. This law is against the federal standard of 95db that sema work so hard to get passed in 2005 (i think). I think that we should start a class action lawsuit against the state of maine for this. It is insaine to expect people to have to change their exhausts with such little notice. At cost upwards of 2-3k for a new oem exhaust I think it is a good idea to sue the state... if the 6000 members on facebook work together something will change.

probably not though, ive always been told driving is not a right its a privledge!!! So pretty much we have to do whatever they say.

What annoys me as much as not being allowed to have a loud exhaust is that the state could be spending this time and money on something much more useful and worth while.
oh but they are, this is all potential income in the form of tickets for the state.

either way its going to be hard for the police to prove that your car is 'louder than cars in the area', and since judges always side with cops that translates into 'can pull you over and ticket you basically for whatever'. and therein is the problem.

Dude, you fail. I dont even own a harley, but i do own a straight piped turbocharged Subaru. I can see your arguement about loud harleys, because some of them get annoying, but its to each his own. You, like all other flatlanders, like coming to maine with the mindset that you can take over, for your information you old bastard, you cant. you're gonna cross the wrong maine boy one day with your pansy ass preaching bull$hit and you're gonna get knocked out. My advice to you is to delete this page, and mind your own business, just because you vacation here doesn't mean the entire state needs to revolve around your namby pamby needs, buy a set of 25 Cent earplugs and shut the **** up.

-Nick LePage

Everyone needs to add this thing and piss him off to the point where he shoots himself in the head with a small caliber handgun, so the bullet bounces around his scull and tares his brain up.

Ps. Just read justins posts. Good use of an extended vocabulary man.

Yeah that guy is definitely an idiot. I agree that SOME bikers need to cool it at times, but those are the ones that need to be pulled over, everyone shouldn't be punished because of a few guys that are compensating for who knows what, by tacking the hell out of their rattle traps


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