Maine's New Exhaust Law? Effective July 12, 2010?

Everyone needs to add this thing and piss him off to the point where he shoots himself in the head with a small caliber handgun, so the bullet bounces around his scull and tares his brain up.
Ps. Just read justins posts. Good use of an extended vocabulary man.

Thank you. What I was trying to do was frustrate him to the point where he would blow up and make me seem more educated than him heh heh. I think it worked these people need a serious dose of shut the hell up lol. There's only about 149 people in that group of crybabies.!/group.php?gid=133026663387511 check out this link. the people that are like us and say leave well enough alone, have over 5000 fans. Why do 5000 people have to be miserable so 149 crybabies can be happy? Agree or not, I feel I'm making a good point here. Whatever it may be lol.
keep in mind about 50 are against and had to "like" it to post comments

I would like to hear what the official stand is on this one from the state police in a press conference announcement. This appears to affect all motor vehicles with emphasis on motorcycles. I have heard so many conflicting stories on this "straight from a cop's mouth".

The wording of the new law appears to totally override the 95dB rule in the previous "exhaust law". It does so by stating you can't have any exhaust louder than OEM. SPT users should be able to get away with this as it is an "as sold" component on the car. If they give you a ticket for it, I would contest that. Anything else is fair game for them to toss you a ticket.

I swapped my cat-back to stock (left the 3" dp) and really can't complain as I didn't lose an ounce on the butt dyno. In fact take-off torque is increased with the added back pressure of the stock setup, and as a bonus I won't go deaf by age 25.

As for the subjectivity of this law, the verbage leaves total control to the sensitivity of the officer's ears.

Lets hope this one doesn't last long. It may not seeing as how sloppy it is worded.

a reply from the state police on e-mail sent by Citizens against revised exhaust law

I do believe there is a lot of confusion out there in regards to this "new" law. THERE IS NO NEED FOR THE EXHAUST SYSTEM TO BE STOCK OR OEM (original equipment manufacturer) ONLY, unfortunately there are some well intentioned people spreading the INCORRECT word that all exhausts must be factory or OEM. Please see the old and new Title 29-A Section 1912 that you are referring to:

All I know is that I am sick and tired of these stupid friggen bikes being twice as loud as a car and not being able to do anything about it, now it can change. I have had many loud cars one that many of you knew and heard, but I at one time had a 71 buick 455 with dual glasspacks and still got drowned out by these stupid Harleys. Some are just to loud and should be made quieter. Just my opinion but I have heard very few cars on the street louder and I can only speak for the guys and girls I work with around here but we would never bother a loud car or truck unless someone is being a dick with it.

Regarding that Anthony guy - here's ( ) a copy of a freedom-of-information act request hearing, where he's complaining that the town of Stratford, CT failed to adequately respond to his request for info on all traffic stops involving motorcycles. They turned down his request because the town can't search citations by keyword.

Oh, and here's his address

Anthony Rizzolo

145 Lordship Road

Stratford, CT 06615

Still seems like the wording for "noticeably louder" is going to bite some of us (meaning you, I'm in NH with TX plates)... an SPT exhaust is noticeably louder, my Magnaflow is noticeably louder...

and based on the Google Maps for his house I wonder how often he calls the airport to complain about the noise..... HAhaha!

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So-what does evergreen subaru say?? Are they going to sticker car's that meet the 95db requirements? Like my cobb equipment,built to meet federal guidlines..

State inspection mechanics and state inspection stations have no means of measuring exhaust db. There are a handful of garages scattered around the state that do the sound measuring, most are not State Inspection stations. $25 pass or fail. As far as I'm concerned its the car owner's responsibility, not mine. You will get a ticket, not me. Its your responsibility as a car enthusiast to get your exhaust sound tested. If you dont they'll eventually pass the responsibility to me and I will flunk every single one of you. How can the law dictate "noticeably louder" without a scientific means specifying what exactly "noticeably louder" is????? Its a subjective call that I'm avoiding so I don't piss off my few remaining customers. that's why the cops wont give you a ticket for "loud" unless you're acting stupid along with loud. Its a long drawn out day in court every time.

Only people that drive around like as5hats get lousy exhaust tickets anyways. I've had "performance" exhaust on just about every car I've owned since way before when laws were a lot stricter and long before I had a state inspection license. The games are still the same. Its only wrong if you get caught. The more you as5hat around the more likely you're gettin busted.

Edit: Thanks Impreza05, just like I thought, cops are looking for common sense and moderation. Thanks Sub_FXT. The law still stands at 95db. 93% of all Subarus with nice exhaust will pass the db test with flying colors.

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It all comes down to the person driving/riding the vehicle. I have three Harleys, a 2008 Nighttrain with stock exhaust and two antique sportsters with drag pipes. I can make the 08 bark like the older bikes and ride the older bikes quietly. A few idiots are causing problems for 90% of Harley guys and other auto enthusiasts. I circumvented the law by registering the older bikes as antiques. Drag pipes were a $30 dealer option when they were new.

The thing that everyone NEEDS to remember about this:

If your car has exhaust, and it is less than 95 decibels(even if it's not) and you get pulled over and ticketed and you fight it in court, you WILL win.. if you remember to ask them to PROVE that your car was louder than 95db!! Did they measure the db level at the time of the ticket? Is there a record of it? If they can't prove that it was louder than 95db, they have no case. period.

Somebody told me about this two weeks ago because he has a custom exhaust on his bike and was pissed but he said, "I'll just take the tickets." I don't agree with it at all.

Hey! WTF!
Nate, what did we do wrong here? I've been busy with my house I just bought in LEWISTON, so I haven't been on this forum in months. This is the second thread in a row that I read ****ting on Lewiston residents....?

It all comes down to the person driving/riding the vehicle. I have three Harleys, a 2008 Nighttrain with stock exhaust and two antique sportsters with drag pipes. I can make the 08 bark like the older bikes and ride the older bikes quietly. A few idiots are causing problems for 90% of Harley guys and other auto enthusiasts. I circumvented the law by registering the older bikes as antiques. Drag pipes were a $30 dealer option when they were new.

that does not impress me none.

I hope they add a revision just for this idiot maneuvre tough guy.

inski: As this forum is related to evergreen subaru? Could I take my old 1987 subaru to whatever dealer this place revolves around .. inspection this month. nothing is oem but the engine and drivetrain, for obvious reasons, some of my buld reasoning are very mich the same as a brand new one for changes.

there is a local place decent, a welder there knows what I have done.. but another guy in the same place could not determine jacking points and smashed my new panel in (it is still bent today).. I have not had the old sube in anywhere to a place that deals with subarus.. would give it a try sometime. Something subaru to look at out of the norm.

i talked to a statie recently and he said the law was passed for the motorcyles and ignorant exhausts. he said its gotta be pretty loud for them to care and i'd imagine a lot of that is going to have to do with how your driving it. so remember, just put the clutch in when passing the 5-0 hahahaha

i talked to a statie recently and he said the law was passed for the motorcyles and ignorant exhausts. he said its gotta be pretty loud for them to care and i'd imagine a lot of that is going to have to do with how your driving it. so remember, just put the clutch in when passing the 5-0 hahahaha
Good to know, thanks for the info


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