State inspection mechanics and state inspection stations have no means of measuring exhaust db. There are a handful of garages scattered around the state that do the sound measuring, most are not State Inspection stations. $25 pass or fail. As far as I'm concerned its the car owner's responsibility, not mine. You will get a ticket, not me. Its your responsibility as a car enthusiast to get your exhaust sound tested. If you dont they'll eventually pass the responsibility to me and I will flunk every single one of you. How can the law dictate "noticeably louder" without a scientific means specifying what exactly "noticeably louder" is????? Its a subjective call that I'm avoiding so I don't piss off my few remaining customers. that's why the cops wont give you a ticket for "loud" unless you're acting stupid along with loud. Its a long drawn out day in court every time.
Only people that drive around like as5hats get lousy exhaust tickets anyways. I've had "performance" exhaust on just about every car I've owned since way before when laws were a lot stricter and long before I had a state inspection license. The games are still the same. Its only wrong if you get caught. The more you as5hat around the more likely you're gettin busted.
Edit: Thanks Impreza05, just like I thought, cops are looking for common sense and moderation. Thanks Sub_FXT. The law still stands at 95db. 93% of all Subarus with nice exhaust will pass the db test with flying colors.