Maine's New Exhaust Law? Effective July 12, 2010?

unless you're being stupid and running your engine to redline all the time, you really don't have to worry about it.

How did you find this thread? it's almost 1/2 a year old lol!

unless you're being stupid and running your engine to redline all the time, you really don't have to worry about it.

How did you find this thread? it's almost 1/2 a year old lol!
I was just going through some forums and saw didnt realize it was really that old, I'm still fairly new to the

looks like this thread is back from the grave. I agree w justin if ur not a dumb a$$ about it they wont give to much Sh!t. but then again there always that one cop with a stick up his butt trying to crush our youth and fun. or u could always weld a SPT tip on your aftermarket exhaust and tell the cop its from subaru haha.

I've redlined my dynomax going by a cop and never had him look my way ( wagon ftw) they still don't do anything about the idiots bouncing their hondas off the rev limiter with a fart can, so I'm not worried

I agree that this law is pretty ridiculous. I ride a harley with a Vance and Hines exhaust that is easily louder than any car on here, but I still haven't been pulled over. I really think cops are just anti "mellon shooter". I'm sure as soon as thow an exhaust on the Rex I'll be stuck with a fix it ticket or two.

I got hassled over a year ago by a statey on the highway for my exhaust, prior to this law going into effect.

Since then I've had no trouble. I try to save my aggression for back roads and closed courses.

So is this real now? I've read everything in this post, one person says one thing, one person says which is it now? I recently moved here last year and I still don't know all the laws, I in fact know very little, so which is it in Auburn/Lewiston?

I took a corner pretty good onto a 35mph intersection right in front of a cop and got pulled over and he let me go but said I would have be leavin with a speeding and exhaust ticket. I asked him about the new law (statey) and he said you can have aftermarket exhausts but cant be louder then off the lot
then I talked with a statey ive done projects with and he said he doesn't pull ppl over for it but if he did itd be the ppl drivin stupid/redlining etc.

I got pulled over in kennebunk port and that's exactly what I said "what about all those stupid motorcycles?" then the cop basically said that he had a reason to pull me over, so he did just to make sure I wasnt high. then told me to pay my parking tickets and left

but seriously this is messed up. first they try and take away our guns, then they take away our exhaust systems? before you know their gunna load us on to trains and send us to death camps
Yup and we will have no way to defend our selves without our guns. To the death camps......

Same thing as me. Bounce your car off the rev limiter going by a statie =P

nah jk, I can see if someones got their car straightpiped with no cats or resignators (oops!) and is being obnoxious with it...

I just don't see why they have to come down on everyone with exhausts, why not just crack down on the people with the stupid loud harleys? we're in it for more power, and most of them are in it for the "hey, HEY LOOK AT ME IM ON A HARLEY, WATCH ME TWIST MY THROTTLE AND LOOK LIKE AN A$$HOLE!" factor, we're doing nothing wrong with "loud" exhaust notes. Most of us don't pin it everywhere either, whats wrong with a little boxer rumble?
"RABLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH" - South Park Harley F****S hahaha

So is this real now? I've read everything in this post, one person says one thing, one person says which is it now? I recently moved here last year and I still don't know all the laws, I in fact know very little, so which is it in Auburn/Lewiston?

Subsection 3 states that it can't be louder than stock;

but the exceptions drawn out in subsection 6 further iterate that you can have one that's under 95 dB.

Not to beat a dead horse and bring up an old thread, but what about if someone takes an axleback from and STI or WRX and puts it on a 2.5i Impreza? Think the inspection stations would give you crap about that? Technically it did come from a "stock" Subaru.

I go to the sticker station in Sanford, ME for my inspections. I had a Mazda3 with a full catback exhaust, header, intake. When I had my inspection done last year, the guy told me I'd fail this year due to the new law in effect. That is one of the reasons I traded in my 3 for the Impreza... but if I decide to do an axleback, I don't want to get into trouble. I guess the good thing about an axleback would be that I can actually take it off before inspection, and then plop it back on after if I had to!

Technically the law didn't really change. I've got a dynomax ultra flow ( glasspack but more packing) and I've never failed a sticker... just ask inski

Actually...... I was just stopped for this and was told by the trooper you can't change anything.... I'm also a state inspector.

It depends on the mood of the officer. I have been stopped with stock exhaust and was told it was loud, he was hearing my AEM intake on my old NA Grand Am. The law was never clear anyway. I belive technically it never was legal to modify the exhaust of any vehicle, but if you follow that to a T it means you can't repair it either unless you use OEM parts. Morons, good luck enforcing that.

Eff it. I've never had exhaust mentioned the 2 times I've been pulled over. It's all in how you drive it and how polite you are ( goes a long ways)

Eff it. I've never had exhaust mentioned the 2 times I've been pulled over. It's all in how you drive it and how polite you are ( goes a long ways)
This. Pick and choose when you want to have fun. I have been pulled over with my exhaust and haven't been bothered about it. Cops seem to like their ego stroked so just yes sir no sir them and be polite.

I wouldn't worry about this at all. When I first moved to Maine back in 2003, I had an 01 2.5RS that had a loud exhaust. It wouldn't pass inspection because it was too loud, and the law back then stated that your car couldn't legally be louder than stock. So I asked the dealership (Patriot) who failed my inspection to provide proof that it was excessively loud. I mean, you could hear it, but they didn't have measuring equipment to actually record the decibel rating of the exhaust. So I called the Maine State Police (hereafter referred to as MSP) and asked them about it. I spent a ton of time on the phone with them, and basically this is what transpired:

MSP: Your car has to be within acceptable stock limits for noise output.

me: what's acceptable?

MSP: Anything under 95 decibels.

me: how do you measure that?

MSP: with a decibel monitor.

me: is that part of a normal inspection process?

MSP: no.

me: where do I get my exhaust decibel measured?

MSP: I have no idea.

me: does the state have official test equipment?

MSP: No.

me: how can you possibly hope to enforce this law?

MSP: we can't. the burden of proof is on the owner of the vehicle. If the garage feels its too loud to pass inspection, the owner must replace it, or find a garage that can measure sound output. You'll probably have to go out of state for that.

me: Okay, so assume I find a garage to measure it, is there some sort of official form I have to get filled out?

MSP: no.

me: so how do I prove that I've had the volume measured?

MSP: get a receipt.

me: seriously? that makes no sense.

MSP: it's your responsibility, sir.

Being young and foolish and too broke to buy a new exhaust, I actually called everyone under the sun, including the exhaust manufacturer looking for a way to fix this problem. In the end, I just took it to another shop, who inspected it without saying boo about the exhaust level. By the next year, I had a quieter (but still considerably louder than stock) Greddy exhaust on the car. I took it back to Patriot. They passed the car without mentioning the exhaust.

So the moral of the story is...this law is unenforcible and worthless. If you get hassled somewhere because your car is too loud, just go somewhere else. Or buy a baffle to put in the tailpipe when you go for the inspection...


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