MS October 2010 meet.

can I see a list of who is actually going, without scrolling through the replies? I wanna make sure the head count is still gonna be okay. Thanks. (DaVinci's )

Probably gonna miss this one. Started clinical rotations and it has sucked up all my free time
default_frown.gif meet will be fine dining with suits and ties..... you looked a little over dressed on saturday morning mark....i swear i saw a tie

It would be good to see ya. Been a long time!
Yeah....Moved to the big city, and have been living like a hermit....I'll be there. The wife is jealous, but she went to Da Vinci's this weekend....

okay, I'm seeing 12 so far. Anyone else?

Hmmmmm. Hard planning a meet when no one speaks up that they are coming isn't it? Haha.

Make sure to account for Jami (Ferrari) along with a couple friends extra.

I think its safe to say you can plan for at least 20.

apparently I am a Facebook ho, cause everytime I see a comment that I like, I actually want to hit a "like" button. Thanks for the heads up. Yay for Boonthai! <3 Yay for Internal!


Remember folks. We will be meeting on the top floor of the large multi-floor parking garage across Chestnut St from DaVincis. Dress warm if you plan on hanging out like usual.
