MS October 2010 meet.

missed you Pat! LOL

The meet was a pretty large turn out from what I had expected. DaVinci's must have had a brain cramp and forgot how to deal with a large party, putting 1 waitress on 25ish people?!?! And what was with the whole "I have to bring all of the drinks out all at once" same with the food ordeal?! Prepare it and send it out.

I am sorry the gentleman at the end of the table had a bad food experience, truly sorry.

It was still great to see everyone, especially my "favorites"!

I say we do the Go Cart place next month!

It was good to see everyone and talk to a few. I really have to try to make it more of these!!!

That was fun good food and GREAT roll thingys. First burnout on top of a parking garage that was kinda fun

It was a fun night. "Sugarbush" and the donuts on top of the garage are going to be classic memories for awhile.

*Cough* November *cough*.

I think we should have it in Augusta...

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