I'd call the banks "medium hard" ... damage was minimal considering some of the stuffs were are at quite the brisk pace. school grooms the banks to slow errant cars down gradually.Mmmm.. that's a mighty nice stuck right there for "school". Were the banking soft and fluffy like a bunny, or angry and granite like.
and i said to him realizing we were REALLY stuck and everyone was ok...
"now that we have a few minutes, where do you think it went wrong?"
Better bring some good snows incase it's as icy as it was this weekend.....Damn... now that I see the pics it looks like I could have done it. I was woried about bumps and stuff on the course because of my broken back... Ill have to do one next time in the g35!
I have good snows... dunlap graspic ds-2Better bring some good snows incase it's as icy as it was this weekend.....
Nate, I was really hoping you'd see the value of this course and come do it. There's a Very Big Difference between "learning" driving techniques on a sim and doing it for real. For starters, there's no Reset button -- a fact I've had to remind several students about after their 3rd or 4th off of the day.^ Sounds like me and my dad. Hours of racing simulations (24 hours or le mans teaches you when not to floor it, and what happens when you do) finally payed off.