NEFR Photo/Video/ Post-event banter

Oh boy locals.

Some dumb local kids stopped in front of us too close to the stage.

I shout across the road "you guys better move or else sweep will come and move it into that ravine for you". They surprisingly packed it in and moved along.

The locals are a HUGE problem. It's not a matter of if someone is going to get killed, it's when.

That isn't to say all locals are terrible, that's a gross generalization. The people across from us were wonderful and I enjoyed talking to them. Granted they were a nice family and not shithead kids.

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Looking for any and all pics of the silver and blue subaru #204. Really hoping some one got a pic of stage 2 on saturday at the finish with me driving out on a rim?

Looking for any and all pics of the silver and blue subaru #204. Really hoping some one got a pic of stage 2 on saturday at the finish with me driving out on a rim?
Didn't make it to stage 2, heck barely caught you at Concord Pond


I was up there working from thursday a.m to saturday p.m. Was a great time as a worker, also enjoyed great company with fellow MSers, shoutout to stage team #4. Lots to do as a worker, I recommend anyone who hasnt done it yet try it some time, gives a great perspective on what goes on and how much work is needed to run one of these things. I have been a spectator as well, but probably will continue to volunteer to work in future at least until I try crewing or have a ride. Great to see Rob do well, and LDR do well. Both cars were extremely fast looking when we saw them. Looking forward to next year all ready.

Looking for any and all pics of the silver and blue subaru #204. Really hoping some one got a pic of stage 2 on saturday at the finish with me driving out on a rim?
Was this it?


If anyone wants fullsizes of pics of their car let me know and I'll send them to you.

Sweep pics, go sweep!










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got a couple pics to share.

Our sweet spot we worked. Thanks to Jim O'Brien and the stage captain for putting us in a spot that my boys could enjoy the race and not the drunks. DONKEY we go ran into later. no damage to the fozzy. Good thing for the trailer hitch. She just bumped us and then tried to push us out of the way.






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