*OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

Drifted my sterling work truck some, works better empty plow and wing up.that kitty cat has more than enough yank to spin her around. And I shredded my dual tire chains helping plow another guys route. Much too much torque

There is a good chance that was the last storm of the season. I definitely took a tour of the Standish, Buxton, Hollis area.

Cracked a weld on my exhaust plowing through a snowbank coming into my own driveway... had it re-welded yesterday though and all is good!

Winter roads, summer tires, summer ditches. .... I had fun and somehow didn't crash my car

But it's a matter of time before I rip my exhaust off. It currently sits 2" from the ground because it's all broken to hell... It scraps when I hit pot holes...

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Use a coat hanger chris. Almost lost the wagon thursday....or friday. She is a bit tail happy now I cleaned the trunk out. Other than that, plowing through snowbanks and dorifto around auburn

Use a coat hanger chris. Almost lost the wagon thursday....or friday. She is a bit tail happy now I cleaned the trunk out. Other than that, plowing through snowbanks and dorifto around auburn
It's beyond coat hanger repair, maybe. The exhaust is two pieces, header, and everything else as one solid welded lump. That was fabricated (extremely poorly) by some shop. A "lowest bidder" type fix.

Nothing wrong with one piece exhaust systems, if they're done well. The only proper way to fix it is just to weld a new doughnut flange on, then get a new midpipe and axle back. But it works for now, I'm not going to fix it...

Post up some stories boys!
I lost it behind gamestop in sopo the other night, had a good drift going, car came around the other way hard, was totally sideways full lock. for some dumb reason I didnt think I could pull it out of it and lifted, which I never do. back end passed the front, and nailed the left rear wheel off the 6" granite curb. broke a chunk of the wheel off but it still held air. bent the crap out of the knuckle, + camber and -toe on that one wheel.... drifted it for the rest of the night tho! next day I cut and lenghtened the radius rods, did a iphone and tape measure alignment, and shes good to go again. first time ive ever damaged a car playing around in the snow. best part is, it was the impreza, and I do not care what happens to that car lol

matty didnt fare as well as I did unfortunatly.

Never lift boys, never lift!!!

Sounds like what I did to the front suspension of the GL. Bent the hell out of the radius rod and twisted the control arm.

Took it all apart and hit it really hard with big hammers. And it was all good again.

I almost lost it last night why they didn't sand roads is beyond me 40mph and all of a sudden traction light goin nuts and almost ended up off the road , scary raisin when your. Not expecting it

this was at 11pm in scarborough broadturn road, was slick in a lot of the back roads. shitty part about it is you couldn't even tell dam black ice.


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