*OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

that's gunna suck if my car is done...planning on driving to portland this friday and going the rest of the way to granite state on saturday to pick it up, then allll the way back to bangor

Had a couple hooligan moments yestiddy driving out to Appleton, I maked the car slided dorifto one way then the other and back again until my g/f screamed and threatened "I'm gonna KILL you if you don't kill us both first!" Woad was vewy swippery! Lack of snowbanks made it a bit hairy tho. All good fun but a muckup would be pricey.

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Winter roads, summer ditches. Had it almost rolled over on its side down in a ditch that snuck up on me and thought I would drive out. Cars so stiff the minute it flexed to go up the bank, she was mired. Had water coming in a door. Speed wasn't even a factor, slow drifting around and she bit and sent me into the inner ditch instead of sliding out around and tried to drive out. :/

^ I hope they're alright.  You can mess up your noggin pretty bad in a side impact like that with no helmet.

i try to consistently have small crashes all winter to avoid one big one
I tend to have them in work vehicles, statistically it makes sense, 16 hrs in one as opposed to 1 hr a day in the iMp. Have had some hoonage already, and twitched a Volvo out of the ditch. Yay winter
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