*OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

all done in mid-coast area. sun is peeking out the clouds. about 6-8 here. 

looks like a beautiful day for anyone going to enjoy snow-related activities!


Snow tires locked and loaded on all vehicles.

Lets party

My wife and I got caught flat-footed last night around 8:30pm coming out of Market Basket in Biddeford.  We were in her CR-V, I was driving.  We were slipping all over the place.  It was sheer ice.  What normally takes us 20 minutes to get home, took us 1 hour.  We had to divert our route too, because there were too many people unaware and speeding, and there was a 4 car accident on 111 on the Alfred/Lyman line.  White knuckle driving home last night.  Needless to say, we threw her snow tires on today, not that it would have been much help... but we have a storm coming Weds/Thurs sounds like.  I'm hoping to get my snows on the Subaru tomorrow or by Wednesday at the latest.

Got a coupe of inches of snow in North Conway - Fryeburg this past weekend. Still summer tires on, t'was fine driving slow... but I definitely need to put snows on tomorrow! At least it'll be a bit less cold than today!!

Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201

I have to say, using dedicated winter tires makes a WORLD of a difference when it comes to driving in the snow/bad weather. Last winter I had just used all seasons that were pretty worn and didn't have great results. but today felt unstoppable


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