*OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

Couple inches in Brunswick, still coming down and I have to drive back to Orono today in a rav4 

This stuff isn't very drifting friendly... :/ It's too heavy & wet. My entire wheel wells got packed with snow and it started making some scary sounds when I turned the wheels. No good.

Yeah I'd say we have about that much as well, and still snowing. Had to replow my entire driveway with my 4 wheeler, because my landlord is out of town and his brother was left to plow, and down right sucks at it. Those who have been to my driveway, know that plowing it with a 4 wheeler would be fun!

Yeah I'd say we have about that much as well, and still snowing. Had to replow my entire driveway with my 4 wheeler, because my landlord is out of town and his brother was left to plow, and down right sucks at it. Those who have been to my driveway, know that plowing it with a 4 wheeler would be fun!
At least he didn't hit your snowmobile


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