*OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

glad we got a little rain.  it is keeping this from drifting.

also 36F this morning.  I can almost smell spring.

This kinda sucks. Just barely get caught up on sleep from "the blur of 13" and do third shift snow removal, now it looks like I'll plowing all weekend.

Snowed a couple inches up in Orono again today, and it's supposed to start back up tonight I guess. Has anyone else gotten those obnoxious 'weather alert' messages from Verizon? They always seem to go off in the middle of the night and sound like a fire alarm.

I got one from US Cellular before the blizzard. They are actually from the NWS. We got 4+ inches here, and now have huge snow drifts everywhere again.

For all snow lovers including Pedro
  They are saying  there is a potental for heavy snow Sat. nite into Sunday.


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