*OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

A whoopin -2 inches! started well with 3in+ and woke up with 40 outside, rain and just barely 1in of slushy mess. Stupid rain!!

psyched for "maybe" the last snow of this year! I considered switching to summer this weekend... glad I didnt'!

4-8 predicted over mid coast... we'll see how much actually fall

The benefit of having snows on dedicated rims and two Subies to choose from. Impreza with new summer sneakers can stay in the garage and the Fozzy is still sporting the snows. Let it snow as hard as it wants. haha

Haha I switched my summers on 2 weeks ago, somehow I knew that was optimistic.  Oh well, I'll swap my winter steelies back on tonight then have fun in the snow tomorrow


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