*OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

weird storm. 2-3 in naples, 4 town over in auburn they had 4-7. Had to follow perinoid skitzos all the way to work. Bummed.

When I left for work yesterday morning, it was a white out. The roads were unplowed and I couldn't see 10 feet in front of me.

Looks like you folks up north are going to get some decent snow. Not much down south. Me thinks Pedro put a JINK on snow down here

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I am just holding mother natures cat for ransom.

Oh and I have made it to February on summer tires. Taking bets on March now.

Looks like you folks up north are going to get some decent snow. Not much down south. Me thinks Pedro put a JINK on snow down here
Looks like you folks up north are going to get some decent snow. Not much down south. Me thinks Pedro put a JINK on snow down here
Pedro didn't. I did because I bought snow tires. It was looking like the weather was going to get snowy, the day I bought them it snowed. I will say they have been useful, last night was slippery for me.

Not enough here. freezing rain yesterday. I had to run the snowblower just to move some e10 crystals through and shake up the old stabilant. haven't even put gas in it since september.

It still runs properly? E10 has gone bad on me within 2-3 months no matter what goes in it.

Just ice down here in Castine. 1 accident last night.


A couple (8?) years ago we had hardly any snow all winter, until February, then we got hammered. Like 2 big storms a week hammered. We ever going to get a big one?

I guess there talking some snow for saturday but I dont think it will be enough to cause some mayhem out at the mall.

Either winter needs to end and it gets warm. OR it needs to snow.

Because nothing pisses me off more than freezing cold and no snow at all. It's all brown and dismal out.


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