official unofficial motorcycle talk thread

Getting my bike tomorrow. Going to be 125 miles to get it down here. I will be putting in a stage 2 jet kit along with a slip on and maybe even do my intake cam while I'm at it. 25- 30% boost in HP? Yes I think so! Woohoo.

might actually be warming up to the point where you can ride a motorcycle without snowmobile gear.... im all for that!

got my custom dual exhaust built last week on the 10, now need to set up a appt to get it dyno tuned at moto milano.... as if the stupid thing needs more HP lol




did you make that yourself?

And I got my bike today. It is in desperate need of a bath. I have my slip on (which unfortunately has a high rise mid-pipe with it) and my 5 deg timing advancer and my stage 2 jet kit. Can't wait to install the stuff. I think I will take pictures of the process and send them to Dale Walker so that they can be included with the instructions in the future. I have a new intake cam but I'm not sure if I want to install that yet. Don't really want to mess with the carbs multiple times but I'm ignorant like that.

thanks man!

Yes I built the exhaust myself out of a ducati s2r danmoto GP kit and a honda civic mid pipe.

Update! Finally got my front sprocket changed, finally rode with installed. If have or consider Kawasaki KLR 650 get 16tooth front sprocket if desire some highway and decent road riding revs are decent at 65 or so mph. Not for rough crawling offroad, first gear feels too long for that now. But any dirt or paved roads is great improvement. I am also conisdering replace rear sprocket with 42 tooth....

I agree. mines apart to be painted again, I asked for red and got a salmon color but didnt care since it was nice out. now that the weather sucks I want red again.

thanks man!

Yes I built the exhaust myself out of a ducati s2r danmoto GP kit and a honda civic mid pipe.
Did the bike initially lose power with a dual exhaust? I have put a few of the LTE dual systems on quads,and they seemed to lose power. Just wondering... we gained it back,with tuning,but didnt get what the guys were expecting. We are talking a big difference in displacement (400cc vs 1000),so the increased flow probably helps out a lot more in your case.Your bike looks extremely dangerous (and awesome) with those barrels sticking out of it!

Went from this...






Can't wait to start riding! Still a few things to do though, hopefully soon I'll be out riding!

5psi is gay. ordering forged low comp pistons and turning it up to 10-15psi






getting dyno tuned thurs on 5psi. that will be fun for like a month, then im building the motor. I want more.

Two days and you're bored with the jump in power already? Lmao. Will you need bigger injectors for that much? Seemed like you could put down more pressure with how rich you were running.

I got my motorcycle license today. Took the MSF the last two days, it was brutal today in the heat, but luckily we started at 7AM and avoided a lot of it, were done at 10:50 in the morning, and we had a breeze most of the time.

I'm looking at buying a new CBR250R and riding that for the rest of the season and maybe a bit next season then selling it and riding my 600.

Or just fixing up the 600 and riding that as a beginner...but I can't decide.

Anyways, hopefully I'll be on the road soon and maybe some of us can go for a ride.

if you buy a 250 you will be bored with it in a month. I rode a ninja 250 a total of 7 miles and was so glad I bought a 600 for my first sport bike. I think my 110cc pocketbike is faster then a ninja 250.... fix the 600, ride it for the summer and buy something more modern (with no carborators) in the spring


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