official unofficial motorcycle talk thread

I bought a ninja 250 brand new a few years ago, and regretted it 90% of the time. Light and nimble but slow as crap. A 600 won't be too much too soon if you respect it

Sold the 09 street bob to get my WRX, still riding the 78 xs650, originally wanted to hardtail it, now want to go for a street tracker look and function.



The Honda CBR250 should be a TINY bit better than the Ninja 250 but you will be bored with it. They are great beginner bikes though. My friend has an 08 with 3k on it that she is trying to sell. It is the new body style. If you REALLY wanted to get one, then I can give you her number, if it is your first bike, then it will help you learn the basics on. A 600 that is running right can be a handful if you are not one of those people who respects bikes. If you are someone who likes to just get on stuff and flog it, then you can be in a world of hurt in a hurry. Just remember that any idiot can go fast in a straight line. It takes a good rider to go slow and/or go around corners properly.

Need some opinions,

Looking at this bike:

Guy said he went down at a low speed, scraped the side, small dents in tank, and broke the tach.

Not sure if these pics can be seen:

Keep in mind that this would be my first bike, so it doesn't have to be perfect.

Think this is worth looking at?

Can't see the additional photos. From the pics, which are kinda blurry, it looks like a decent bike. Has higher miles so I'm not sure what is recommend as far as valve adjustments or whatnot if any at all. Looks clean and cheap for sure

how have I never seen this thread before?

above is my first bike, a 1985 honda shadow VT700c for 200$ and about a months work later i got her on the road. I went from riding a friends 50cc scooter to this thing, needless to say, when i finally got it running properly, I nearly raisin myself. Puts out about 50 WHP but has tons of torque (enough to get 2 people over 100 at least). I love the smooth as butter 6 disc hydraulic clutch. 40K and runs like a tank

now I find it a little small but i'm thinking of blacking everything out and giving it a bobber look.

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well this is my latest toy.....sold the yzf600r, bought a silly offroad truck, blew the hg on that one and a week later my 87 toyota hg blew....i had no interest in fixing them, posted a cl add for trade and ended up with a buell m2 cyclone...1203cc vtwin, harley motor tucked into a tube frame. In the process of painting it since yellow is no bueno.


Would everyone recommend a company for a two day training course? Pedro and I are going to be taking one this spring. I've heard a few good things about M.O.S.T. Near Augusta.

are you going directly for a license or just permit? i took the one day course and just got a permit so i could ride and practice a little. i guess the two day course can get you a license but only if you pass the riding test

I still don't have my license, I did not even bother with getting a permit for 3 months after I got my bike. I also don't ride it like a twat-monkey and respect the rules of the road. experience on dirt bikes are invaluable for slow and quick maneuvers and learning how to take a fall.

you WILL dump your bike, its just a matter of when and how hard. So far I've never hit anything and the only trouble I got in was because of speed on sand, hopefully you are not on the receiving end of someone else's bad judgement, keep your distance.

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I've almost been cleaned out 4 times in the last year, all of them in town norway paris close to my apartment, every time was a puss nugget on a cell phone not looking before pulling out.

are you going directly for a license or just permit? i took the one day course and just got a permit so i could ride and practice a little. i guess the two day course can get you a license but only if you pass the riding test
We would like to take the two day and go strait for the license. Most I've seen are $300 for both days with a loaner bike.

does anyone here have any experience with motorcycle tow dolly's? something like this:


life may be having me move to florida in a few months, so i was considering something like this to tow my motorcycle down with me so i don't have to bother with a full size trailer killing the mileage for such a long haul, but i also don't want to sell the bike. is there any legality issues? i figured the bike is both registered and insured already it would not be an issue and i would splice the rear brake lights into the car.

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Going to wear the center of your tire just like riding straight for that long. Pay me to take a week off and ride it for you

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I plan on buying a new tires for riding this spring, but for the trip I will swap it back to the one on it now which is pretty worn but it should make the trip, I have someone who will mount tires for 5$ so I'm not worried about that part.

Id love to make the trip by bike and take a week to do it but I gotta use my car to haul all my junk. I'm wondering if it is like driving with a trailer or more like just a bit of extra drag and need to be aware that its there. My bike weighs about 500lb total.

I plan on buying a new tires for riding this spring, but for the trip I will swap it back to the one on it now which is pretty worn but it should make the trip, I have someone who will mount tires for 5$ so I'm not worried about that part.

Id love to make the trip by bike and take a week to do it but I gotta use my car to haul all my junk. I'm wondering if it is like driving with a trailer or more like just a bit of extra drag and need to be aware that its there. My bike weighs about 500lb total.
Get a harbor freight trailer and pay the $20 to register it in Maine. it won't kill your mileage and you will be able to back up.


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