Post what you're drinking

The blue is the quad right?
Go to the lion's pride! If you like that the Westvleteren 12 will blow your world apart.

Far more cheap and readily available is the Rochefort 10. Similarly badass and YUMMY! Those monks know how to make a beer!

Lion's Pride?


I will definitely try both the Westvleteren and the Rochefort ... can I get either of those or the Chimay at RSVP?

I was out with my cousin the other day and ordered a beer off the menu. I wanted to try something I hadn't tried before and I was amazed by the flavor/texture of the beer. It was great and I wouldn't have known it was 9% if I hadn't of read it ... until after I was done with it

^My friend's hit up Lion's Pride the other night... my friends dad is the brew master there.

The prices there are NOT cheap!


Had this a few days ago... I like the Blonde and the Double Brown better, but it wasn't bad.

Had some St. Peters Cream Stout last night and it was delicious!


Ok ok Tyler you were right, Pumpkinhead is uber delicious!
I must have had a bad one when I tried it the first time. This stuff is real good.

Pumpkinhead is by far my favorite beer- but a growler of Prelude is also a great tradition!

drinking some black coffee out of a travel-mug before school

Coffee All Day.




Thar double brown stuff. eww. My last beer was in 2005, I had good luck with an operation, only to learn, I cannot have beer ever again. Alive is good. It is ok to be alive.


drank a 1/2 gallon growler of Black Bear Brewing VooDoo Porter friday night. been hooked on those lately. i go back and forth between the Gearhead and the VooDoo.

enjoying our new seasonal at Atlantic Brewing a lot. the Leaf Peeper Lager. just released last week. good stuff.

^Full of WIN!!!! Great choice Nailman. If you don't like Moxie, you're not a true Mainer.
That stuff is disgusting.

I was born in Australia though, so I can't be a true Mainer anyway...
