Legwagon BC-BF-*BJ* Mar 29, 2012 #922 I find a lot of Dogfish Head way to sweet... I am however enjoying myself a Sebago IPA.
apkarian100 Vendor Mar 29, 2012 #923 Sea Dog - Hazelnut Porter Trout River - Chocolate Oatmeal Stout Both delicious!
inski New member Mar 30, 2012 #926 saabaru said: Dogfish Burton Baton. Oak aged Imperial IPA . So good. Click to expand... You da man! I gots a few Tuckerman down the hatch a;ready! HwOOOO0o0O00OOOoooooOOO000000T!!!11!!!
saabaru said: Dogfish Burton Baton. Oak aged Imperial IPA . So good. Click to expand... You da man! I gots a few Tuckerman down the hatch a;ready! HwOOOO0o0O00OOOoooooOOO000000T!!!11!!!
saabaru New member Apr 3, 2012 #931 ^ Ty, you need to started writting reviews . Ty's Brew Review, coming soon to a thread near you. How is the 75 minute? I saw it on display at RSVP.
^ Ty, you need to started writting reviews . Ty's Brew Review, coming soon to a thread near you. How is the 75 minute? I saw it on display at RSVP.
scubiecraig New member Apr 3, 2012 #932 RSVP RSVP RSVP................... yayyyyyyyyyyy. lol I love those commercials.
T Ty Ty New member Apr 7, 2012 #936 saabaru said: How is the 75 minute? Click to expand... Wasn't too bad. Kind of a dry beer, made me a bit thirsty. Couldn't really taste the maple syrup. Pretty good IPA in my opinion. So far tonight: Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2012
saabaru said: How is the 75 minute? Click to expand... Wasn't too bad. Kind of a dry beer, made me a bit thirsty. Couldn't really taste the maple syrup. Pretty good IPA in my opinion. So far tonight:
scubiecraig New member Apr 8, 2012 #937 Picked up a bottle of Double Thumper tonight for a special meal in the future. Got it at Federal Jack's.
Picked up a bottle of Double Thumper tonight for a special meal in the future. Got it at Federal Jack's.
saabaru New member Apr 14, 2012 #939 Crappy Wine from Traders. Terrenal Malbec. Kinda tastes like bad grape juice. So much for thinking it would be good.
Crappy Wine from Traders. Terrenal Malbec. Kinda tastes like bad grape juice. So much for thinking it would be good.