Post Your Appropiate Pics (Work Safe Please)

likin the old sube shots, digi-dash and wheeler.


I was asked to give my dad a ride, parked in front of his trailer...didn't realize the silly extras that went with this non-imaginative photo...just spotted it yesterday rummaging through my piles.


Tesla, a famous engineer was obsessed woith the number three, pretending insanity.

the lights in the old sube took on this vivid appearance after 15 pounds of high grade mig wire on replacement panels. It taught me that the inert gasses inside incandescent bulbs reveal the contentment of the body...and grade of stuff it is made out of. A clever old trick.

I am eyeballing a bigger lensed camera, nikon has proven to be my favorite..this one is simply a little e4600 (nikon), may go for a used d3000.

photobuckets hack job after uploading hardly ever keeps the grade. it is actually a high grade photo.

Ι'm sorry, but the quality of that picture doesn't suck because of photobucket. I use photobucket for all my pictures on here, and they all look just fine. Because I have a decently nice camera.

I took this photo and it's hosted on photobucket.


I agree that photobucket stinks. Its better if you can find the right balance between sacrificing pixels and sacrificing information per pixel.

Anyway, the fact that I see jaggies in both pics is bad. My poor eyes

The jaggies is JPG compression. It's either done by the camera, locally for any editing or resizing, or by photobucket upon upload. I don't know which and I don't care, as my method works as is.

Want to squeeze 30 cars onto a rail car when a normal triple-decker rail cars hold only 18? The designers at Chevy did, and they built the Vega so it could be shipped standing on it's nose with all the fluids topped off and none would drain out in transit. It's the Vert-A-Pack! Oh, yeah, and the cars are bolted in place.

