RIP Eric Benson 8/26/85 - 5/23/10

My thoughts and prayers are with him am his family. This is such a terrible thing to happen to such a nice guy.

I say we set up a drive in his honor, and maybe get some decals made up as well, with RIP Eric Benson etc. I dunno just a thought

Kind of like when Tyler Slak (spelling?) died of cancer just recently. I know his family has been helped by decals profits.

When everything settles in their lives I am sure we can get a group together and do a garage day on that car.
I'll be there! I hope a lot gets done soon, but I also hope there will still be work for me when I get back at the end of the summer.

Although I'm broke at this time and can't donate any money, I'm more than willing to donate time and help out with the car.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who is still bothered by this...

This is bothering me more than when my uncle passed away. With my uncle it was bound to happen, he had Parkinsons and loved to drive his 4a-ge 20v powered Lotus Europa S2 really fast... the combination of the two led him to die in a car accident... but we all knew it was going to happen, and we knew he wanted to go out with a bang just like that.

With Erik it was half random violence spurred on by crap luck.

Just makes me angry to know that one well thrown punch can really end someone's life.

Seriously though we should definitely do a garage day to get that SS looking and running it's best. I remember him telling me that a rock got by his front skid plate and banged something up pretty bad... if we could inspect and fix that I'm sure he would be pleased. I wish I had chat logs from Facebook because he had told me a bunch of stuff he wanted to do to it... but I can't remember it all for the life of me.

Yeah, it costs X amount for the decals to get made, and if a few dollars can be made on every one, than it could help. Plus it would be a great reminder of him...

I did not know the guy at all, but if donations are in a week or more, I'll pitch in a few bucks.

I am by no means a subaru groupy, in fact, I seem to argue more than anything with the last real one...

This guy hung onto an older one for resons of deeper reality. I respect it.

The club scene and result, it really bothers me. I went through a bizarre time in 1996...a simple night out, I knew darn well an extreme could happen to somebody innocent, even death. Not even knowing the circumstances of what led to a fight and death, it is an extreme that can happen unnecessarily.

What is the purpose of car rebuild? is it a custom, saved into storage as a momento? mainely subarus related?

whatever the reason, I'll donate a few bucks anonymously. Tragic...

Decals are in the works as a memorial. I want to make sure the Andrew ok's the artwork before anything is cut.

If anyone has any decal ideas, send them my way. It is definitely not my strongest skill.

I was just thinking something simple

In memory of

Eric Benson


Maybe in an arch or something. But it could be cool if maybe you used a stencil of an older Legacy turbo, and put that stuff around it

I do AWD drifts... memory of Eric Benson

Seriously anytime he would message me on facebook it would always be "so I was on a really awesome dirt road yesterday completely sideways and....."

I would love to see something like that^

I love the idea of the legacy. How big of sticker are we talking?

I was just thinking something simple
In memory of

Eric Benson


Maybe in an arch or something. But it could be cool if maybe you used a stencil of an older Legacy turbo, and put that stuff around it
dude,I was thinking the EXACT same thing as far as a decal went. Great Idea.....I never met Eric,like quite a few members of the forum, but this still feels like a friend lost to me. I always look forward to meeting a fellow Subie lover, and from what I've read here that I would have enjoyed meeting Eric. It gives you some perspective to ponder,of just how close at any given time we as people are to losing everything. An action as simple as a sideways glance,the misfortune to wear the wrong shirt or to just be a god damn kid out with his girl on a Saturday? Sunday nite,doing what a kid supposed to be doing....nothing of revelance,living in the moment,and just as quickly as you take a's all gone-no take backs,no do and a family left to pick up the heart goes out to the Benson family,may these trying times forge the bonds of your family,bring you nearer to each other,and keep Eric in your hearts,dreams,and thoughts forever.....drift on young man, drift on.


This is the one Redline did for Nate (from CMC who unexpectedly passed 2 years ago). I was hoping to do something of this nature.

I believe decals are a great idea. I'm pretty sure we could post them up for sale on FB, which will be even more help for the Benson family.

I can give whomever does the stickers/vinyl the original vector version so they don't have to mess with a jpeg should everyone decide they want to go with something like this. Definitely open to changes, I did this in the time from my last post to now.

