Snow Gymkhana?


looks like the track layout at last summers x games rally event

if im ever not running around like a headless chicken when im in southern maine ill have to come check this madness out. i was thikning about buying a place up here that has 30 acres and a sand pit for the same kind of idea but all year round.

O those poor defenseless snowbanks. What did a snowbank ever do to YOU to deserve such callous treatment? (besides biting back and dentin bumpers and bendling license plates and stuffin up radiators etc)

sweet, only time ive drifted without worry was in the teachers parking lot in highschool while practicing for rallyx in one of the rally cars the school had. any prejudices against a honda coming to play? I have a buddy who used to race as well who would most likely like to play.

If da track is open on a weekend, I'd be down to come play in my Cherokee, I need to figure out how this thing handles in a more fluffy environment.

Yea, tried the course out the other day after i tried to fix my car. The course is nice, but i failed hard at drifting lol. Couldn't get the thing sideways cause i was being a wicked chicken POOP cause i didn't wanna break my car even more. Ill have to go back up there when i get some cash in my bank so that if i do, ill have money to fix it!

Couldn't get the thing sideways cause i was being a wicked chicken POOP cause i didn't wanna break my car even more.
I couldn't induce the turn/drift to get around the tight corners (however, Mike could) due to the low speeds and tight space either. I know how (and can) do it but I unfortunately need more room/time to manipulate the weight of the car due to my lack of skills. I must have gone around 20-30 times but still couldn't get around the full turns in a drift. The only way I could get my car to rotate (again, due to my skills) was to initiate the slide with a quick yank of the ebrake. Once the rear was rotating, I could then slide around the 180 degree corners.

<- needs more practice...

Yea, mike told me to use the e-brake and i have never tried that before so i didnt really want to break anything seeing as how my car is still broke right now. we will see once i get it fixed.

well guys, there is no drifting without commitment. goat footin breeds bad understeer , busted front bumpers and radiators fulla snow.

warning: don't try this at home kids (aka I never said ANY of this in public) the following advice assumes controlled conditions and nice poofy a lack of upright objects to hit!

come in a lil hot in 2nd gear, lift hard for a second, pitch car sideways, countersteer (if you don't what countersteer is, you're already done) & back on the gas. from here on in, balance car with steering and gas -- whatever you do don't lift or you're gonna spin. if you think you're going onto the ban sideways or DONKEY first, more gas is all that will save yer bacon.

rinse n repeat until you can do it (almost) every time

you need the lift - pitch- countersteer-gas sequence to become a natural rhythm. each part is done separately, if you try doing two or more control inputs at once you will understeer straight in.

if your tires suck, your driving will suck.

well guys, there is no drifting without commitment. goat footin breeds bad understeer , busted front bumpers and radiators fulla snow.

warning: don't try this at home kids (aka I never said ANY of this in public) the following advice assumes controlled conditions and nice poofy a lack of upright objects to hit!

come in a lil hot in 2nd gear, lift hard for a second, pitch car sideways, countersteer (if you don't what countersteer is, you're already done) & back on the gas. from here on in, balance car with steering and gas -- whatever you do don't lift or you're gonna spin. if you think you're going onto the ban sideways or DONKEY first, more gas is all that will save yer bacon.

rinse n repeat until you can do it (almost) every time

you need the lift - pitch- countersteer-gas sequence to become a natural rhythm. each part is done separately, if you try doing two or more control inputs at once you will understeer straight in.

if your tires suck, your driving will suck.

well once you're sliding sideways to the outside, your only hope is to countersteer like heck and keep on the gas which lets the AWD help pull u back on line. it seems counterintuitive, and is indeed scary to do at first but it works. fair warning: this technique is best learnt in controlled condtions. if u lift in this situation YOU ARE TOAST approx 100% of the time.

you also very much need to keep looking where you want to go, not at the bank you're about to doosh. this is "target fixation" if u look at the bank u WILL hit it. if you goat out and nail the brakes you will def hit it. etc etc

short answer is, 'when drifitng, normal reactions are basically all wrong"

watch Meyagi's sno drift vids closely ...the red Leg wag does this correctly again and again. most of the others do not. they might get sideways for a few seconds, but mostly what they do is slide round tighter and tighter into a donut and stop, then pull ahead again. this is NOT a controlled drift, the drift is controlling them instead.

you DO know what's meant by countersteer, correct?

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I know what counter steering is, yes
. My problem is that all of my drifting is done at low speeds, when I still need to steer into the turn rather than countersteer. Just trying to figure out if I'm on the right track with the throttle is all.

I know what counter steering is, yes
. My problem is that all of my drifting is done at low speeds, when I still need to steer into the turn rather than countersteer. Just trying to figure out if I'm on the right track with the throttle is all.e
Most of what's done at high speeds can be done at low speeds, you just have to be more violent.

Drifting requires that you go beyond the limits of available grip. If you are still having to steer into the turn, you ain't gone over that edge where the back end is wanting to pass the front end and you're balancing the car with countersteer and throttle (aka committed). Simply steering into the turn breeds understeer (where it''s the front that's lost grip first, not the back) and that isn't the kind of drift you are after.<br /><br />I wouldn't say that "violent" is quite the right term for what you have to do. really what you're after is weight transfer, from side to side and from the front to back and vice versa.there is a lot of stuff going on in a controlled drift, when done right it looks easy. done wrong it's a mess. you need to carry just a bit too much speed into the corner to get both ends of the car sliding, but not so much speed you have no chance of making it thru. it's all very much a seat of the pants kind of thing. smoothness and keen feel for available grip is key. <br /><br />you need to understand how different control inputs (steering into the turn, countersteering out of it, on/off throttle, on/off brakes and the timing of all these) affect weight transfer and how you can use these to make the car do what YOU want rather than what IT wants.<br /><br />finesse, commitment, smoothness and precise control inputs are what's needed, not violence. this is on snow or gravel, on tarmac yes you need to bust the car loose with clutch kick or power oversteer etc but that's not what we are discussing here. it's somethig you learn by doing or riding along with someone who can explain what's going on, not so much by reading posts on the intarweb. you start with small steps and work up from there.

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