Snow Gymkhana?

what is funny is all that he typed happens in about 2-3 seconds and has to be processed in an instant. that's the art of rally driving. making driving corrections and computations in a split second that keeps you out of the bank/trees/spectators/swamps/ditches/rocks...

once you have been able to learn all these techniques, the real trick is to be able to recall everything with out even thinking about it. until these maneuvers become muscle memory, you have to talk yourself through it every time, Because as a rally driver, you have to listen to what your co-driver is telling you to do, and not talking yourself through the driving.

You didn't see in that video that it was a huge concrete pad that was pretty much frozen over. It was almost like sliding on ice. Previously it was awesome due to snow coverage and I def give mike credit for his driving abilities. I stood on the outside of the corner on some of those shots. When mike came by I was comfortable being there and could get very close to the DONKEY end as it slipped by. I'd always step back a few when anyone else came through.






like i said, this was totally un planned. if you guys want to pick a time to come over let me know

I say we get a bunch of people to go over saterday with all the new snow we are getting! Get a ton of people to go, it would be pretty cool.

Well if i had to pick a time it would be 12-1 and then stay till whenever. that should give us enough light.


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