
Spotted twice! Saw Cheyspec...did see you dan. You need a hoodscoop!

spotted STInate twice within 5mins. damn that things sexy! also spotted a silver legacy possibly '92 with either pink or red mudflaps around 12ish in westbrook

Late this afternoon I was in front of Bestbuy in Portland when a wrb rex / sti with black wheels and a really loud exhaust went by.

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saw an 02 silver wrx wagon on lisbon street today. driver had a red scruffy beard.......wait i know who that was! hi dave!
wasnt sure if u would see me in my yellow riced out neon lol

saw spinmaster at old orchet beach today 1 time stuck in trafic i sade hi to him (didint know it was him at the time lol) and then 1 time at a lobster resturunt (by the way was that any good?)
We didn't eat there, just parked to walk to the beach ... shh

durr well im going back to that beach sat staying there the night then rolling to the AX in portland on sunday so ima partyyy its my last weekend in usa lol

Spotted a yellow bugeye Rex with black rims in Wiscasset this afternoon, and saw a white RS in Waldoboro with tint

r u sure it was a i just got a sti wing and i have gold rims with a chrome lip, maybe it was mee

Spotted an 05 sliver STI with gold wheels w/ chrome lip driving by SoPo Longhorn today around 2:30.

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