
drove by redforester08's house i think on high street in sanford i think you were outside but the fozzy looks pretty cool lowered lol

Spotted a WRB sti with a cf hood and NY tags then at Ricks I saw a silver sti missings its splitters. Both were blobeyes and both in York this morning.

Yeah, that was me WDPballer. I heard some screeching as i passed you and was hoping that you didn't rear end that guy but i guess you did. Maybe i'll teach you how to spot someone and drive at the same time.
Glad you didn't freak your bumper up man. Nice car by the way!!!! My car has no purple in it damn it!!!

baaahahah, sorry man i couldn't tell to much cause i really got a quick glimpse then realized a honda is making a left turn hahah, well you live you learn, but your car is gorgeous btw. Hopefully will see you again so i can get a proper look without rear ending some one:rant:

Saw a LGT at the Farmington Walmart at ten of ten had a mainly sticker on the front pass quarter and a STM stick on the rear quart. Was in the gf Saab 9k pulling out as you pulled in

SPOTTED!!!! black bug eye this morning around 8 at the old Platinum Plus....I think its called PT Showcase now or something like that.....any one here?

i dont think he's on here i think he works over there cuz i see him everyday i work across the street at tire warehouse but his car is pretty nice

hmmmm lets see,


light saber


All at the auto-x.
You must have been the guy rocking the mainelysubarus shirt, then. I'm the guy that was working the scoreboard in the afternoon.

parked in an amazing line of scoobs at work this am...this was not set up or managed, it just happened

3 WRX wags (1 bug, 2 cats)

2 OB wags

Leggy wag

SUS (fug-LEE)

was kinda like a photo shoot for a suby catalog


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