
Red WRX wingless, nice exhaust, black rims on route 1 kittery, 15:45 near trading post!


Josh white STi in ogunquit yestarday around 5:00!

You must have been the guy rocking the mainelysubarus shirt, then. I'm the guy that was working the scoreboard in the afternoon.
Yea that was me! had to represent.

Red WRX wingless, nice exhaust, black rims on route 1 kittery, 15:45 near trading post!

Josh white STi in ogunquit yestarday around 5:00!
Hey you work at the at&t on route one right? I think I saw your car parked on the side of the building. Looked nice! I drove by around 3:40 today.

Does someone in Lewiston own a silver wrx wagon with an american flag painted on the back and red mudflaps? Cause I enjoyed those corners:D, gave me a chance to use the new sway bar.

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Saw a LGT at the Farmington Walmart at ten of ten had a mainly sticker on the front pass quarter and a STM stick on the rear quart. Was in the gf Saab 9k pulling out as you pulled in
On our way to work last night in Barbs LGT, saw the Saab but on a mission for a work dinner. Nice of you to stop by the office tonight, glad to meet you!!


Does someone in Lewiston own a silver wrx wagon with an american flag painted on the back and red mudflaps? Cause I enjoyed those corners:D, gave me a chance to use the new sway bar.
that's my buddy kris hes not on the forum tho

WRB bugeye wag with HUGE Hellas up front, Mechanic St Camden

ran over to my car, grabbed an MS card to stick under the wipers...heh, it was my buddy Rad
din't recognize his car with the new lites on!

dummy Nigel

WRB bugeye wag with HUGE Hellas up front, Mechanic St Camden
ran over to my car, grabbed an MS card to stick under the wipers...heh, it was my buddy Rad
din't recognize his car with the new lites on!

dummy Nigel
No just getting old

stopped and talked to a guy with a two door right hand drive integra, guess he got it in japan and got it tuned by spoon. such a nasty car, non turbo goodness. all modded within reason, too many to list, told him about the site

Saw a WRB STI behind me goin across the bridge from Auburn to Lewiston around 4-430, then a silver WRX with the license plate Got Rex or Wrex goin south on 196 around 6-630ish

Saw a WRB STi in Brunswick with New York plates, also saw a bunch of different WRX's all in Brunswick and all near the base


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