
Hey maybe that was me. I waved to a guy who has a car that looks just like yours today
What's dgm mean?

ah, well I've seen that car around as well. My car is obp not dgm. Yeah and I don't have tinted windows either heh

Saw a late 90's black Impreza L sedan on Stillwater heading towards the interstate, it followed me until I got on the interstate to go North.

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Spoted silvergt b4 work yesterday. Lead foot? ; ) Spotted a blue wrx and a yellow baja at goodwill. A silver baja on stillwater and a sweet black wrx with aftermarket spoiler? On bgr mall blv at light infromt of toys r us... U went towards lowes I headed to interstate... Stupid truck prevented a wave exchange.

I exchanged waves with some dude in a legacy GT, some kind of blue, with like headlight covers, or tinted windows. I cant remember. it had to be like an 05 or so

spotted green old skool Leg wagon in Rockland a couple days ago, lo and behold it wuz...Legwagon!

before I knew who it was, I was thinkin, "mmm, those are goo-o-o-d looking cars," but when droven by a guy with a real live Pirate Beard, well whoa!

Yessa, I probably should've stated where lol. It was by Aubuchon Hardware in Norway.
yessa that was me alrite!!!! its just a regular leggy, wish it was the gt. no tinted window just and stock headlights. only things I've done is the grill and tinted the tails.


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