
saw a red wrx at pepboys in auburn round 3ish and a 95ish impreza black with a bodykit on center st in auburn bout 3, and a yellow wrx on center st in auburn at 330
Yellow one was probably spinmastert, and I laugh every time I see that impreza with a body kit sitting on 14s with hubcaps

HA! Funny story about that impreza. I took my friend for a ride in my Legacy, and loved it, so he called his friend "who was into Subarus" over to check it out. Well here comes this LOVING impreza with a body kit down the road. After giving him a ride, I open my hood and the first thing he said was, "Where did you get those blue wires(spark plug wires..)!!" I was like ummmm, their stock? Oh sweet, they look awesome. He then tells me his impreza was turbo, but he took it off and he wanted to buy my vf10 so it could be turbo again. I should have said yes...

spotted a dark grey new wide body wrx at smcc yesterday. tagged them with a card and my name on it. y do I never get spotted? 2 stealthy?

Just spotted a WRB Rex going into the Lowes in Brunswick. Tinted windows.
Edit- nm, just saw you said Brunswick. I get confused easily, last job I did was Brunswick, NJ haha

Spotted a black 04-05 wrx with hid's, lowered on gold rims and a tail light out headin north on 95 near Augusta last night. Around 5

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2011 silver STI hauled hiney past me workin holes in traffic near ME/NH bridge on 95 yesterday, he musta been rolling pretty good since I was already doing same-same at 80-ish

told the GF, "hey that thing is a beast!" She said, well, that's what his license plate sez,..... BEASTI

anybody know who 'tiz?

2011 silver STI hauled hiney past me workin holes in traffic near ME/NH bridge on 95 yesterday, he musta been rolling pretty good since I was already doing same-same at 80-ish

told the GF, "hey that thing is a beast!" She said, well, that's what his license plate sez,..... BEASTI

anybody know who 'tiz?
Think I've seen that round lewiston/auburn area before

Saw a white LGT with tinted windows and tails, black wheels with polished lips on Western Ave in Augusta. Right before the ramp to 95


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