
That was me..... cwiggin ^ may also have been me, but the white car would have been the sti... I don't have stickers on my foglight covers- Caught up to and drove w/ passed a wrb rs with v6 wing on center st in auburn..... Was hoping that it was ferraris sti limited spec Ra, but obv not. They turned into evergreen. Also saw a wrb wrx wagon at evergreen looks like the onethat was inthe wholesale for public section for a long time....
went to wave but noticed too late plus was raining

exchanged waves with a dude in a new blue wrx this afternoon on center st
That would be me

seen a black sti with black rims in lewiston at central maine credit union, a black wrx on sabattus st, and ablue wrx wagon crossing sabattus st

just back from 10 days in northern Florida...heh, it's a Suby wasteland down there.

saw only 18 scoobs the whole time, almost all were older models.

oh yeh, and rice is NOT dead in FLA, saw way more ricey honders and eew-clipses than scoobies of any kind

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got tagged by rangely_rally at my work in scarborough, along with washmyscooby.

saw matt2.5rs on 295 coming back from Augusta. I was in a maroon newer wrangler. you passed just after the toll booth

I was ahead of, then behind a 08-10 silver WRX with a firefighter license plate and a sweet sounding exhaust on Center street in Auburn. This was saturday, not long after leaving Evergreen. We exchanged waves.


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