
Saw a WRB WRX I think, not the newest generation. I don't know these cars at all, had pig stickers on the side view mirrors and a light bar with 2 round lights. Spotted in Farmington yesterday and today.

got tagged by rangely_rally at my work in scarborough, along with washmyscooby.

saw matt2.5rs on 295 coming back from Augusta. I was in a maroon newer wrangler. you passed just after the toll booth
I did? lol which subaru cuz I tagged about ten subs this week. was it by army barracks?

Spotted LGHTSBR on Cummings road in SoPo a little before 7 this morning. The painted headlight brows and grill looked awesome coming down the road towards me! Gave ya a wave.
Hey I saw you also! I wasnt sure if it was you, gave you a quick wave back. Thanks for the compliment! Still can't wait to get yer old wheels on!

Was doing errands in Portland today. Lets see here.....

Yellow WRX sedan on the top of the USM parking garage. Spin?

Another bugeye (silver) in the USM parking garage.

Black hawkeye STi near the airport. Combination plates.

White NewGen sedan at the Bull Moose plaza in Scarborough.

LGT_SBR's LGT at his place of employment.

No sign of Mark and No sign of Matt.

I was ahead of, then behind a 08-10 silver WRX with a firefighter license plate and a sweet sounding exhaust on Center street in Auburn. This was saturday, not long after leaving Evergreen. We exchanged waves.
That was me...

Spotted Spartan heading north on 95 this am. Car looks mean!

Parked next to a BRP bugeye 2.5 with solver WRX rims at Red Robin in disgusta.

Also exchanged waves with a guy in a dgm wrx on 95 this evening in the rain.

ok over the last few days.... all most a week.... spotted a red 07ish wagon tinted in aurburn by wally world... also was fallowed 2 days ago by a blue wrx wagon with a big exhaust by the movie theater in lewiston just before the construction. and a wrx wagon at roopers in lewiston with hellas mounted on the bumper and a dirty impreza sticker on the window (not GCLARK)... and a 98 silver LGT in lewiston with racing stripes...and more I just cant remember...

Spotted Spartan heading north on 95 this am. Car looks mean!

Parked next to a BRP bugeye 2.5 with solver WRX rims at Red Robin in disgusta.

Also exchanged waves with a guy in a dgm wrx on 95 this evening in the rain.
Yeah,buddy,thanks!! New it was you the second I saw ya this am,how's the girl runnin?

white sti in grey last night with gold rims and hid's and a white wrx on 22 in westbrook looked lowered both sounded real nice

spotted my first 2011 wrx last night. I talked with the guy forever and he has good plans for it, man those wide fenders are the sex!

Spoted a blck wrx at bugabous in bgr, a silver gt at hannafords at mall, and a blue wrx on stillwater zooming past petco light.


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