
spotted iwagon yesterday afternoon at the intersection by ocean job lots store in oxford, and seen a dark blue baja this morning at cumbys in norway with painted wheels

I spotted the Silver STI hatch that I have seen a few times in Eliot... entering the Eliot Business Suites this morning right around 8:00am. Not sure if he is on here or not.

Also spotted a silver WRX hatch on the Piscataqua bridge. He was tailing me for a bit, then cut out to the next lane as I got off on exit 5. Had a small Boston Bruins sticker on the back to the right of the license plate.

Yesterday, I saw a red WRX on Route 4 by Alfred Oil. I waved, but the guy was oblivious. lol I was coming out of my road onto RT 4 in Alfred. I've actually seen him a few times, but this is the first time I actually passed by close enough to wave.

Spotted a black forester at the Rangeley IGA while I was gassing up.


Too far away the pic came out horrible, but there is a Mainely Subarus sticker, and the plate read something like 4WRXTER.

spotted Katnip at climb to the clouds today, I was parked across from you in the white OBS, don't know If you saw me or not!

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newer wrb sedan parked behind me at wallyworld in Rockland, didnt have any cards to tag him with, then later passed by him and flicked my lights.

just followed a dark blue 98-01 RS might have been a four door? not sure ill try to tag him if I see him agian. and also tagged a black wrx coupe with blacked out taillights the other day with woodywrx on the plate

Did once in november in warren for crankin around a corner and warned me, but in Rockland/Thomastin no. I don't get nice looks though pullin out anywhere near them though lol.

Did once in november in warren for crankin around a corner and warned me, but in Rockland/Thomastin no. I don't get nice looks though pullin out anywhere near them though lol.

cant remember if I already asked you this. but did you use to live on broadway by the highschool ? if so , are you the guy who was netting fish at chicky one day and we talked for a few minutes you said they were trout but I think they were alewives. this was a year or 2 ago I don't remember exactly. but the guy I talked to had a blue wrx , wagon I think, and it was loud.

cant remember if I already asked you this. but did you use to live on broadway by the highschool ? if so , are you the guy who was netting fish at chicky one day and we talked for a few minutes you said they were trout but I think they were alewives. this was a year or 2 ago I don't remember exactly. but the guy I talked to had a blue wrx , wagon I think, and it was loud.
nope wasnt me, mines a sedan and have only had it since september.


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