indeed I was!Spotted Chris from about 40 feet in the air today!! I'm assuming he was going to get his new transmission from what I just read in his thread.
Spotted a black forester at the Rangeley IGA while I was gassing up.
Too far away the pic came out horrible, but there is a Mainely Subarus sticker, and the plate read something like 4WRXTER.
I saw that car at DD a week ago and did it have charlies on the front plate?newer wrb sedan parked behind me at wallyworld in Rockland, didnt have any cards to tag him with, then later passed by him and flicked my lights.
yeah and a charlies sticker on the back. was an older dudedid it have charlies on the front plate?
do cops ever pull you over for your exhaust?yeah and a charlies sticker on the back. was an older dude
Did once in november in warren for crankin around a corner and warned me, but in Rockland/Thomastin no. I don't get nice looks though pullin out anywhere near them though lol.
nope wasnt me, mines a sedan and have only had it since september.cant remember if I already asked you this. but did you use to live on broadway by the highschool ? if so , are you the guy who was netting fish at chicky one day and we talked for a few minutes you said they were trout but I think they were alewives. this was a year or 2 ago I don't remember exactly. but the guy I talked to had a blue wrx , wagon I think, and it was loud.