
just saw Nate at gowells in litchfield.... I want to drive your car... just once... I promise ill be gentle..

Yesterday I spotted: murdered out 04/05' LGT on I95 south, late 90's era red OBS in Biddeford, 04/05' gray STi pulling out of townfair tire also in Biddeford, and a WRB bugeye rex coming into Sanford. I rarely spot that many cool subies in a week, much less a day.
I think that was me u spotted in the bugeye I was behind u, u drive an RS with red flaps?

spotted a white wrx with red rims at personnel at the 101st arw. I was moving mulch with a bobcat, and cleaning my mess.

I'm living in Biddeford right now while my girl finishes school at UNE. I've moved around a lot within the state over the past 5 years. I also own a 98 OD green LGT, can be seen in my slipshod attempt at a members journal.

saw a legacy gt, black with grill mod...late 90's style as I was pulling out of my daughters daycare, got a big thumbs up from you.... saw a grey legacy, newer in front of the mall, got a wave and apparently scott(lght sbr) saw me on rt 1 as I was leaving prime toyota.

Saw a Silver/Gray STI today turning right onto 111 in Alfred. Right by Alfred Gas. I waved but he was pulling his shade/visor down at that time so I'm not sure if he caught the wave.


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