
I see a SWP 2011 WRX parked in front of Pawsatively Pets/Army Barracks in Scarborough with a MS sticker on the side rear window. Anyone know who this might be?

I also spotted Boon still driving his LGT wagon! Rumors were that he may have sold it, but it is not true. Thank goodness!

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I see a SWP 2011 WRX parked in front of Pawsatively Pets/Army Barracks in Scarborough with a MS sticker on the side rear window. Anyone know who this might be?

I also spotted Boon still driving his LGT wagon! Rumors were that he may have sold it, but it is not true. Thank goodness!
That's bill aka washmyscooby.

Saw a silver STI hatch coming out of the Industrial Park in Eliot last night. Exchanged waves with the guy. Also had an oncoming Silver WRX/STI? that waved to me first. I waved back. Also in Eliot/South Berwick by Marshwood Junior High School.

Blue STI parked in Biddeford park and ride last night around 7/8pm. I was having dinner with my wife at Ruby Tuesday.

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carded a 2011 silver WRX in Rumford at a gas station, guy was inside looking at me

saw GClark at the gym thanks for the calipers!!!! exchanged waves with a WRX? with roof racks on 126 in lewiston at about 8ish ... an yesterday in lewiston had a kid with a red civic rice burner try to show off/ race me? finally got next to me I rolled down the window and told him he was a dumb a$$ and to cut that out before he gets ME pulled over....he was not expecting that at

yup. sorry havnt checked spotted in a few days. I worked there last year and just had an internship last month, but some kid asked before me for summer work
so the pearl was my back up. Do you work around there?
yup, at Maine Boats & Harbors. manage docks at the pearl, am down there almost daily. once I get the dang sailboat painted, will be down there EVERY day.

Spotted an 04-05 silver STi on rout 27 in Wiscasset this morning. Had black wheels and exhaust.

Waved to a white 98ish LGT with black painted wheels, and red brakes on route 1 tonight in Nobleboro.

Spotted a buttload of wrb wrxs and stis on the way to new hampster for my buddies wedding. And an outback with many more lights than me

I have also spotted TarzanBakerada a few times in the a.m. and a couple times in the afternoon in Wiscasset, Wouldn't have known, but I recognized the car from the group drive!!

Yesterday I spotted: murdered out 04/05' LGT on I95 south, late 90's era red OBS in Biddeford, 04/05' gray STi pulling out of townfair tire also in Biddeford, and a WRB bugeye rex coming into Sanford. I rarely spot that many cool subies in a week, much less a day.

Oh and I also spotted a BRP GC RS with yellow fogs down near New Harbor. I think he is a new member that hasn't introduced himself. And I think the car is swapped. Looks awesome!!


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