
Saw a red FXT at the park and ride in lewiston around 4:30, Also saw Nate or his little lady driving the Legacy.

I saw a very nice WRB 05 STI with a fmic, body kit, cage etc etc parked outside of Portland ice arena weds night.

Tonight (thursday night) I followed a black WRX up 295 in portland. It looked to be very well built. most notable it was lowered ,sti rear wing and a nice set of back rims. I tried to get my talon up to speed to give you a thumbs up but I got caught up by some slower traffic.

Spotted Mark's STi parked in the lot by the new AT&T on Marginal was nicely decorated...

yeah, very funny...hopefully you took pictures because i just took them all off. i was ready to pummel carter after the business card treatment. long day of work + plucking 40ish biz cards out of my car = cranky-ass mood

yeah, very funny...hopefully you took pictures because i just took them all off. i was ready to pummel carter after the business card treatment. long day of work + plucking 40ish biz cards out of my car = cranky-ass mood
YOU TOO!? Oooooo, I think Carter is asking for it!

Does anyone have any industrial strength plastic wrap?

What a punk!

yeah, very funny...hopefully you took pictures because i just took them all off. i was ready to pummel carter after the business card treatment. long day of work + plucking 40ish biz cards out of my car = cranky-ass mood
Mark I'm glad your car was not in its normal spot this past sunday

Mark I'm glad your car was not in its normal spot this past sunday

haha yeah dude right? do you work over there? have i met you? i'm awful with names. I do keep seeing a talon tsi aroud hurr

saw a black 08 wrx hatch with black wheels on the corner of warren ave and riverside st i waved but i dont think he saw me he just stared i think lol not sure if he's on here

haha yeah dude right? do you work over there? have i met you? i'm awful with names. I do keep seeing a talon tsi aroud hurr
No we haven't met. I drive the green 93 tsi that parks behind AAA CCC. I have the second bay to the left of the waiting room. So needless to say I see your car all the time. I even did an alignment on it once:spinmastert:.

i assume you're the subaru guy one of the other guys was talking about. you're the one i wanted to do the alignment anyway. sorry if i was a bit uh...nervous? that day. somewhat embarassing in hindsight. come stop by some time


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