
Spotted Ruggedman while on Forest Ave last night - bonus points for watching him give the stinkeye to some jerkwad trying to make forward progress on the "British" side of the road.

bonus points for watching him give the stinkeye to some jerkwad trying to make forward progress on the "British" side of the road.

Spotted Ruggedman while on Forest Ave last night - bonus points for watching him give the stinkeye to some jerkwad trying to make forward progress on the "British" side of the road.
LOL glad you noticed that. I was like are you seriously going to do that.............YEAAH he is.

Earlier that day spotted a new Evo as i was pulling out of Sala Thai. It was blue and he let me out in traffic! Starting to think evo drivers are coming around!
Had texas plates i think.

Spotted a dark blue rex wagon with racks and I think he waved
Also spotted Dk blue leggy gt wagon looked lowered with ft mt on 109 this afternoon.

Spotted a gorgeous silver RS S. of Bangor on 95S yesterday- tinted lights, scooped hood, and "Scooby" lettering on the back.
I was roadieing with a co-worker. Dude would not shut it and let me enjoy the view.
I was wondering if you guys were scooby fans,that was me in my 99RS,thanks for noticing, nice ride yourself!

Nice blue STi in at Pat's Pizza in Yarmouth. Had an FMIC, and some other goodies. Anyone on here?
that's my buddy Will. I have been trying to get him on here! He said he will go to the next meet whenever that is.

Spotted a 08/09 silver sti on the road behind the Ellsworth Middle School construction site. Me likey

passed and got passed multiple times in a game of leapfrog with an black 04/05 sti with the plates effnsti on 295

passed and got passed multiple times in a game of leapfrog with an black 04/05 sti with the plates effnsti on 295
That's Chris Neptune! Very good driver, haven't seen him in a while, nice to hear his rig is still rolling around.

spotted 3 bugeyes a grey one with a ski rack and yellow fogs on riverside st, another grey one looked lowered with black wheels on warren ave , and spotted spinmaster turning onto washington ave while i was pumping gas at cumbys


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