
Saw a silver wrx hatch with a nice exhaust, chick driving it. also a newer red legacy wagon with roof racks and tinted windows

Saw a silver wrx hatch with a nice exhaust, chick driving it. also a newer red legacy wagon with roof racks and tinted windows
I think I saw her this morning too. I waved and she gave me this look.

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waved to a silver wrx wagon on 26 yesterday afternoon in oxford, and seen I think wrbwrx just up the road from the auburn airport

Spotted a camo green painted bugeye wrx sedan in Alfred/Sanford around 4 and a silver OBS with pink HIDs in Alfred.

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Yeah I have never seen either of these cars that Chris mentioned. Was the Camo green a sedan or wagon? Just double checking... because I see a camo green one all the time with a hella lightbar... but I've never seen a camo green sedan around this area.

Red wingless wrx infront of me by the laundry mat on pleasent street brunswick licence plate nt-yours I think lastnight around 7


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