
I'm a total fan of the skittles!

Went out with my wife and saw too many Scubies to mention... but I got a pic of one of them. NH plates though. Blacked out headlights. This was parked at Lowe's in Sanford.


Also, as I was walking in, there was a blue Legacy parked in the Fire Lane with really dark tint and HID headlights.

Also saw a Red WRX parked at Shaw's plaza in Sanford, and saw (I believe) RedForester08's son driving in his Impreza by Applebee's in Sanford. He was pulling out of the lot.

And finally, a white Legacy with black rims parked at Plixer in Sanford.

Some idiot in a WRB 2010-2011 WRX at McDonalds in Gardiner tonight. I guess he decided he would rather smoke his cigarette instead of getting off his ass and walking the 20 feet to put his empty drink cup in the trash can instead of opening his door and throwing it on the ground. Gotta love lazy people.

Some idiot in a WRB 2010-2011 WRX at McDonalds in Gardiner tonight. I guess he decided he would rather smoke his cigarette instead of getting off his ass and walking the 20 feet to put his empty drink cup in the trash can instead of opening his door and throwing it on the ground. Gotta love lazy people.
Probably same guy I saw swerving on the pike texting.

I was in gray heading to turner didn't see you tho
Must have been some one else.


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