
saw a silver wrx on 125. sounded purdy as it went by


Spotted lostinmaine cooling off in the pool...... & yes Lost, I could still see straight...

Gonna spot my daughters new but dented leased Sewbie today when I pick her up.

how many sewbiez do U think we could fit in my yard?

Ive been spoting subarus all over the place but I cant remember half of them or where I saw them. Other then seeing Mark heading south on 95.

saw an older rs in corinna today on my way to mow crondel commons, i think it was nicklepage1010. all blacked out.

yit that's my pig

i was probably on the miniramp out back of the house, shoulda stopped in, my family loves subarus.

Topdeeni, i think il be in peru this weekend at my buddies camp, are you gonna be around?

Modded Black 06-07 STI with goldies getting off 95 SB at the Biddo exit on Tuesday (maybe it was Monday) morning. I think I remember the driver having dark hair and a goatee.

White WRX, wingless with aftermarket wheels and exhaust(?) on 95 SB next to me for a few miles from the mall to Scarborough, then I stepped on it (late for work). Guy had a tat on his left arm.

and i keep spotting a red 08 wrx wagon sorry 5dr around brunswick topsham area but have not been able to give him a ms card yet

yit that's my pig
i was probably on the miniramp out back of the house, shoulda stopped in, my family loves subarus.

I will def stop in next time i see you around. maybe skate it up with you too. the mini looks nice. looked like you have the girl symbol plastered on it.
WRB bug eye w/STI wing and scoop @ famington house of pizza
saw it again tonight in almost the same spot, and Deeni said he was it at the Dutch Icecream place in Wilton the other day too, anyone know who this is? or do i need to get some cards to i can leave one on this car

and i keep spotting a red 08 wrx wagon sorry 5dr around brunswick topsham area but have not been able to give him a ms card yet
I know who this is, if we're thinking about the same person/car. Does he have an Oneil sticker on his window? I see him all the time as well.

Spotted low flying Toxic XT by the air station, piloted by Gabe, practicing those touch-n-go maneuvers. BY the time i spotted him in front of me, and stuck my hand out of the window to wave, the XT was a fast vanishing point in my rearview.....

new red sti yesterday coming down upper street right by twitchells in turner anyone know this person? could i have a fellow sti owner in turner?
