

Spotted low flying Toxic XT by the air station, piloted by Gabe, practicing those touch-n-go maneuvers. BY the time i spotted him in front of me, and stuck my hand out of the window to wave, the XT was a fast vanishing point in my rearview.....
Saw a black (maybe grey?) 08-09 WRX sedan going towards in town Topsham on 196 Brunswick/Topsham by-pass, passing the highlands.

Late morning spotted as I was heading back to my home on 109

1. blue lgt

2. grey sti

3. silver rex sedan

4. silver lgt

later in the afternoon spotted a red fozzy xt pulling out onto 11 by Sebago.

i've spotted 05 wrx vf39's former car a couple times now. mismatching trunk and all. kid pulled into the ATT in saco when i was working there for a day, then passed him somewhere out on 302 yesterday.

also, tagged a maroon svx on sherman st a couple days ago

New England Rally (charity poker run) runs thru Lubec, Maine. My Mother-in-law spotted the New England Rally participants early this morning while going for one of their check points.
oh man... That loox like a great time! I wish I had known about this sooner...

no, let me take that back... after looking at the site for a few, reading and understanding exactly what it is...

It is about 100% positive I would B doing this as we speak...damit.

HEre we go registering for yet another forum..(sighs)

SPOTTED... me dancing around all annoyed at missing this...wait...for not even **** knowing about it.

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Spotted a number of modded subies along 125 in Rochester this morning. But what really got my attention were the 3 women joggers along 125 that had some big mods themselves

spotted another WRB STi today.
why cant i be older so my insurance isn't so high?

looking at some WRX's tomorrow.
Don`t rush it Nick. Enjoy your youth while you have it. One day you`ll wake up and look down and all you see is gray

Spotted and waved to Gabe today on 196 on my way back from Evergreen... damn I can spot that thing from a mile away!
