
My foresters waiting on registration, so in my moms Legacy... Parked next to this STi at Windham Hannaford this afternoon.

---- I guess the photo didnt attach. It was a gray... 07-08 style I believe. Sedan.
I must have just missed you, I was parked in that lot at the same time.

Last night I spent some time driving with an 08/09 dark colored STi with two kayaks on the roof on 95S a little north of Westbrook.

Hahaha, you prob still wouldn't have seen me, i was on Minot ave you were coming up that side street towards Minot ave. I just happend to look over and saw ya

Just laid some 2 tire fire in the Forester past a silver wagon with roof racks, while I was turning onto 302 from north windham Home Depot... Braaaap!

 I feel like I always wave to people and get weird looks back or just get ignored, so I've decided over the weekend that it's best to wave like a complete maniac instead of the nonchalant, 'cool' wave... 

So if anyone ends up seeing me wave, you're in for a real treat. I just need to make sure I don't go off the road mid wave..

That being said, saw a blue bug eye sedan today near the vet memorial bridge today at around 3:30pm. The person was on like the way opposite side of the intersection..and I waved like a weirdo but I'm pretty sure they/he/she didn't see me.

Oh, and I always see a girly driving a black hatch 09-10 wrx in the morning in buxton...I always wave..She always ignores bueno...

I will now wave, as if my life depends on it, to every subie I see from now on. Even the random old people in the obs' and fxts.. It will be very entertaining for me, at the very least.
Basically no one waves back at me either....I've resorted most recently to beeping by horn a million times....supertones ftw.

All the cool kids live down south anyways

Had a 02-03 wrx hatch behind me in downtown Bangor today. Female driving. Whoever owns that car, it was super sexy in WRB with the V.7 STI hood scoop on it 
Pretty sure I drooled all over myself.....

Waved and got a thumbs up from a guy in a white '10+ WRX sedan with flaps and roof rack in Wicasset around 4pm today.

When my car was operating, no one would wave to my rs... (so i have given up). Must be some thing about brotatoes thinking there were no subarus before the 2004 sti or something... 


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