National Park police in Acadia are a bit touchy about large group drives on Cadillac, due to repeated misadventures with Lambo/Porsche/BMW club drives. Before showing up with 50 loud rambunctious Scoobs, it might be wise to touch base with the park rangers to see what the ground rules are. If they know a group drive is coming they're less likely to pull everybody over, "WTF is goin on, boyz?!!?"
There are also some awesome twisty back roads on nearby peninsulas, like Ellsowrth to Surry on 176 thru Blue Hill then 175 up thru Penobscot then 199 bak to Orland/Bucksport. Grab a DeLorme, you can cover 100 miles of fun roads and beautiful scenery while going 30 miles point to point. Super excellent ocean overlooks, picnic sites, etc.