***Suggestion Box***

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Yea, im sorry. The forum is having some functionality problems and I am suspecting a plug-in is the cause. I am trying to find which one it is. Some of you might get an error when accessing the site as my email is being flooded with vBulletin database problems. "Too many connections" One of them all of a sudden is hogging the MySQL connections
It's all good. Thanks for letting us know!

I feel for ya... I know what it is like to have database issues with no apparent cause or obvious solution...

How about some name tags for the meet, the sticky cheap paper ones? Username then real name, there seems to be a lot of new people goin to this.

Is iTrader broken or am I just using it wrong? I bought something from someone and I want to give them credit, but when I click the button it brings me to an error page saying not enough user privileges.

Heres the deal with iTrader. It was made for VB 3.5. Some people had success with it running on 3.6 and 3.7, even 3.8. We are running VB 3.7.5 in order to get it to work correctly 3 plug-ins were needed. The original iTrader plug in, the profile plug in, and the post-bit plug in (under your posts). As you know I was having constant database errors and it was the main iTrader plug in. I have disabled it until the developer comes out with a new version.

Heres the deal with iTrader. It was made for VB 3.5. Some people had success with it running on 3.6 and 3.7, even 3.8. We are running VB 3.7.5 in order to get it to work correctly 3 plug-ins were needed. The original iTrader plug in, the profile plug in, and the post-bit plug in (under your posts). As you know I was having constant database errors and it was the main iTrader plug in. I have disabled it until the developer comes out with a new version.
Works for me. Thanks for the info Carter.

I suggest someone go and buy a turbo and install it in my car for free. Just PM me for more information. Thanks.

ok i don't know if it's just me, or not..

click on "forums" it shows the forums and the most recently updated thread... clicking it brings me to the last post on said thread that i viewed

if i enter "off topic" and then epic fail....i need to find which of the 109 pages i left off on...

any thoughts?

^ I tried to recommend that a while back. I wanted a "View First Unread" button at the top of the thread. They have it on nasioc (although nasioc's thread viewed history sucks balls), rs25, and overclock.net just to name a few big ones.

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