That's what I do now, but its a pain for some reason not being able to do it from in thread.Just click on the little blue down arrow thingie right before the title of the thread. It should bring you back to where you left off.
because maybe you don't remember which post and/or page you left off on...But if you're already in the thread, why would you need to do that?
that's what I do.I mean I see where you're coming from. But I've never had to go back and read the first page of a thread I'm interested in.
I mean I usually use the "new posts" link from the home page. and then while searching down the list of topics, i just use the little blue down arrow next to the title. Worse case I have to scroll up a couple posts to familiarize.
New posts > click on blue thing > click on first page > hit forward when you're done rereading the pageinorite?
But really, if, say I read this thread a week ago, and I want to reread the first post, there's no easy way to jump ahead to where I left off reading.
Plus, the code is all there for the link. All that has to be done is put it in (although with text instead of that little down arrow) at the top of the thread.