tax return plans anyone?

got w-2's monday, the woman's aunt has my stuff to do them. hoping to pay off my bike and powdercoat my wheels, and hopefully get tires all in one sweep

being self employed,breaking even would be nice......If i did get a windfalll id put it toward a new tmic and turbo.

Well our 17 year old TV refused to turn on a few days ago, so yesterday my dad bought a new Samsung LCD tv. Its nice to finally have HD, but it would have been even nicer if the room was dark enough for a Plasma, or if we could afford a 120hz TV. I'm hoping to get one of my old donated computers running as a media center running Vista and XBMC or just the XBMC linux standalone OS.

just did my taxes yesterday and getting quite a penny back.. dont know what i'll spend it on.. maybe save it who knows..

Still haven't gotten mine, but they will be here within the next 2 weeks!! Took forever to get my w-2's.

Just filed mine on the 27th and should be getting back next week. Im planning on a turbo upgrade, FP 68hta, new oil line, inlet pipe. Anyone in the southern ME area have a garage that we could do a possible install?

You employer legally has till the 31st of the month to get them in your hand. So they still have time. Although it seems they are pushing it annoyingly late.

I'm pretty sure it in your hand.... I don't know what can be done if there are late. But I know that's the magic cutoff date.

Just did a little research, And its a postmarked date. That makes way more sense anyway seeing that who knows where some W2's are coming from when you work for a national company.

I would start getting mad by middle of Feb. sometime.

is paying off debt fun? that's my plan for the return, however i will be buying a house soon, so it does help to cut out the debt.

got my car registered, took the gf out to dinner, paid a speeding ticket, and theres a little tiny bit left over....


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