tax return plans anyone?

i don't get how giant companies where everything is automated and otherwise always prompt can take the longest. maybe i can convince them to pay me under the table...

still no w2 for me

I probably won't get back enough money to buy anything fun. Maybe a tank of gas and a lunch? This is my first year officially working so I don't know what to expect.

I was looking at the 10/22 target and the SR-22 (same internals but better trigger group)
if you can, try to find just a reciever and action, you can buy everything else at cabelas or online. i was like a kid in a candy store in there when i had my 10/22

already got my fed back, paid off my motorcycle. waiting for state so i can buy tires

if you can, try to find just a reciever and action, you can buy everything else at cabelas or online. i was like a kid in a candy store in there when i had my 10/22
already got my fed back, paid off my motorcycle. waiting for state so i can buy tires
thought about that, but to get the same finished product would cost about the same and wouldn't be a walk in walk out type of affair.

i prefer to build my own stuff, but that's just me. if the woman would let me i'd start building a 10/22 again, but she said i can't buy more guns till i get rid of one ( puts head down and sighs)

socked all mine away for the Stage Rally Budget.

funding NEFR and Black River this year from my Taxes. WINNAR!


I made out like a freakin bandit this year. I got all my taxes for my 09 WRX back. Plus I did OK at work this year and got some other (this year only) tax credits. I paid off a small loan for a septic system and an overdraft loan. I am fixing my old car to make it inspectable and registering it. I am repinspecting and renewing registration on my WRX. I recently ordered RA UR mud flaps, a replacement winter rim, replacement OEM fog lights, fog light protectors and all weather floor mats. After I get all the fore-mentioned things taken care of I will likely order touch up paint, possibly another replacement winter rim (think I may have f'ed one up yesterday), a SPT boost gauge, a Kartboy STS, radar detector and navigation. Then if I have anything left (probably will) I will decide where to go from there. WOOHOO!

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Don't buy a Cobra radar detector!


Hey admins, why don't GIF animations work as avatars? Y'all should fix that.


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