I hope we can get some ambulance drifting videos!! hahahaDave, These roads suck out here, I know, I have to drive an Ambulance no these roads.... ;\
I hope we can get some ambulance drifting videos!! hahahaDave, These roads suck out here, I know, I have to drive an Ambulance no these roads.... ;\
quote sounds high, if you're lucky it's a "quote high then come in lower" deal but that's probly a dreamHere's the update for the Fozzie: I think I found an engine, phase II SOHC 2.5L from an 01 Outback that was rolled. It's got 71K miles on it. Anything I should watch out for? Now I have to find someone to swap it for me b/c I don't have the tools or a work space. I got a local shop's quote of 8+ hrs and around $1000 total. Does that sound reasonable for the swap job?
Yes Nate, I was pretty surprised to see you didnt go off ;-) Has anyone seen the footage that Benson's co-driver shot during the event?hey.. I just smashed the front of my car off one of the washouts... I forgot that I didn't have my tall Gravel tires on anymore... so what if I did smash a tire, and my exhaust!! I didn't roll, or off it like some people predicted (Looking at you Rob, Ken, Andy :evil glarehehe