The Eric Benson Memorial Dirt Drive - November 28th

I got you guys a present


Incredibly huge fullsize version can be found here:

Here's the update for the Fozzie: I think I found an engine, phase II SOHC 2.5L from an 01 Outback that was rolled. It's got 71K miles on it. Anything I should watch out for? Now I have to find someone to swap it for me b/c I don't have the tools or a work space. I got a local shop's quote of 8+ hrs and around $1000 total. Does that sound reasonable for the swap job?

Here's the update for the Fozzie: I think I found an engine, phase II SOHC 2.5L from an 01 Outback that was rolled. It's got 71K miles on it. Anything I should watch out for? Now I have to find someone to swap it for me b/c I don't have the tools or a work space. I got a local shop's quote of 8+ hrs and around $1000 total. Does that sound reasonable for the swap job?
quote sounds high, if you're lucky it's a "quote high then come in lower" deal but that's probly a dream

call M&A in Lisbon, they are vendors on here and are well regarded by many MS members

I'd call M&A. A few members on here have had engine swaps done by them for a very reasonable price.

I definitely agree get some other shop quotes.

Where'd ya find your new motor? I'll eventually want to buy one and keep it on a stand for when mine goes kaput.

Thanks for the info guys. The $1000 estimate was just labor, I'm planning on buying the motor from a Craigslist guy for $500. I guess I'll be calling M&A and some other people tomorrow.

I really want to give the business to a club member or a club vendor. Gotta support locals in this economy.

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8 hours for a motor swap is a little much. I have done many and that is a bit much. And that figures out to over 100 dollars an hour!! That is ridiculous!!! Get another quote

hey.. I just smashed the front of my car off one of the washouts... I forgot that I didn't have my tall Gravel tires on anymore... so what if I did smash a tire, and my exhaust!! I didn't roll, or off it like some people predicted (Looking at you Rob, Ken, Andy :evil glare:) hehe
Yes Nate, I was pretty surprised to see you didnt go off ;-) Has anyone seen the footage that Benson's co-driver shot during the event?

yeah but techs/shops work on a flat rate if the book time calls for 8 hrs...its 8 hrs....even if it only takes 4hrs, you still get charged for 8 hrs...kinda sucks but its how we make money....

I wish I could.... But there's 0, zip, nilch, null, zero, void, absolutely no chance I can get off work this weekend or next.


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