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that's my roommates friends! his name is Taylor Bishop

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I thought so too. When looked up on KBB it says $3600 for excellent. So he is a bit high, but it has a rebuilt trans in the car. $4k at the most

What does rebuild trans mean though? These things ate transmissions. One of the problems was frying the TQ lock up clutch, if they put in an new TQ they might be calling that rebuilt. Without more info, it's hard to know.

Saw this one on the side of the road. I can say that it is indeed solid. No major rust on the panels. It was locked so I couldn't look under the hood. But its an auto. He is down to $5500. Could go for less.

It's quite expensive, but if it's mint....

If it had a blown auto box and was dirt cheap, I'd definitely consider it, but 6k aint cheap cheap.

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They're not really very fast either.

And the windows are silly...

Still though, I'd take one. heh

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The SVX has little to no redeeming performance characteristics. Come on ya'll, I know this.

Heavy cars make for comfy cruisers though

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