The Official MS Bike Talk Thread - motors need not apply

Shagginwagon bailed... it's looking like it's going to be quite miserable this evening. I don't know the trails well enough to lead so it looks like we'll just reschedule for next week.

How does Tuesday sound? Same bad time... same bad place?

Shagginwagon bailed... it's looking like it's going to be quite miserable this evening. I don't know the trails well enough to lead so it looks like we'll just reschedule for next week.

How does Tuesday sound? Same bad time... same bad place?
Tuesday is bad for me, but any other night is good (go figure)

what weird weather - it was nice here (thought about hopping on the bike and bopping around behind the house for 30 minutes or so) until 15 minutes ago, when the thunder and lightning started. The pouring is done, and it's clearish again.

I think I'll do it in the morning. Mike, I have to show you the trails. Teach a man to fish...

I could also do Monday or Wednesday

I'm heading up to Bradbury for a run, but I think I'm a day late.

Let me know if Monday is a go- I need to toss the rack on the roof if so. Happy to lead anytime except Tues. :thumbsup:

Just spent two days riding with my 14 year-old bro-in-law. "O" trail kicked our asses, and his Toys R Us special is really not cutting it for him any more. No adjustable seat, no suspension at all...still the little bastard rode away from me.

Climbed the mountain on the bikes, too. Very cool.

Unrelated note - has anyone done any biking in Baxter State Park? Going there for July 3, 4, 5, and 6...staying in Roaring Brook. I'm hoping to find some biking to do on non-climbing days.

Wednesday for the SoPo Tour? 6pm?
Cool! Let's meet in the Latter Day Saints lot on Ocean. It's just a bit up from the sandwich shop and has much more parking (on the right). I'm not a member, but they don't seem to mind when we park there.

That's two! MB? SoPo?

Alright, I'll concede I just found a major inconvenience with hydraulic brakes. ( going back to that discussion ) I had a person come in for a tune up. I clean up the bike and start checking things over a bit. Pull the rear brake lever, and NOTHING. So get checking things over closely, and it turns out that there is a little cover over a "vent hole"?? on the master cylinder that is missing and the fluid leaked out.

Now I deal with parts distributors and not the manufacturers. WTF do you suppose is going to be the process to get this little piece??

This really kinda sucks. A cable replacement would be so much easier.

Fortunately I didn't sell this guy the bike.

Hydrolic brakes. I am against them now.. Speaking of which, Gorham Bike still has not called back to replace the master cylinder and lever. Might be keeping the mechanical brake.
