The unofficial GUN talk thread

I'm no pro that's for sure. I've only done the High Power beginners clinic. I hope to shoot the beginners match this weekend which counts towards national classification. I can't find a stock long enough for shooting while sitting. Now that I have the A2 on there its better but still seemingly short for sitting, but better. Now the gun is wicked front heavy which is nice for prone and sitting but more weaving goes on while standing. They had a demo AR that had been weighted front and rear. Holy F**** what a beast. I didn't get to try it, wish I had. I'm thinking Hogue Free Float front next if my reloads work out ok.

Thanks for the brass Muddy! Hope Paul got your situation figured out.

No problem! Yeah I picked the rifle up yesterday afternoon, Paul got the stripped anti rotation setscrew taken care of, did a great job of it. He made sure the gassystem looked good, and test fired it a bit and couldn't find anyting wrong with it. So hopefully it's my mags, I took 3 that I cycled to "break in" and ran those through yesterday and didn't have any misfeeds. Typically I would have it happen within 3 mags, but time will tell.

Came within inches of buying a G36 as well for CC, just couldn't pull the trigger (pun intended). For the cost of one of those Im in the ballpark of buying an AK or Saiga 12.

I vote G36. If it were my wish list I'd wait for a AK or Saiga to show up used, and cheap, which is possible given the number of AKs and Saigas out there. Def get the G36 first. But we might have to deal with legal capacity issues shortly after election time. I'm not helping am I.

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Shot my gsg-522 SD today and got attacked by ticks. Made this outing very short. Little gun is a lot of fun to shoot. 22 rd clips are great. I'm thinking of getting the 100 rd drum

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Shot my gsg-522 SD today and got attacked by ticks. Made this outing very short. Little gun is a lot of fun to shoot. 22 rd clips are great. I'm thinking of getting the 100 rd drum
yah I found it for 100 bucks I just bought 2 22rnd mags look at they got some cool stuff for gsg's
changed the stock gun shop said stay away from 110 drums he sold four all came back malfunctioning
that's looks good. Those GSGs look like a lot of fun.
they are very, and cheap as hell to shoot. I just bought the sd attachments its a bigger can and hand grip. not the real suppressor but it looks real lol we need get a group shoot meet.. real soon
I've got a Winchester Model 70 w/synthetic stock that I use for hunting. Its got a Simmons 3x9-40 on it that I don't care for. Any suggestions on a scope? Looking to make 300 yard shots I don't think the. 30-06 will drop much in that distance. Also, the thing sucks to shoot. Kicks like a mule its really no fun. Thinking either a Limbsaver recoil pad or replace the stock. Any suggestions?

The limb saver pads typically increase length of pull on the model 70. I have one I never put on for that reason. Both mine have nikon pro staff 3-9 on them and I really like them, dad has nikon buck master on his mod 70 in 30-06 and likes that as well. A far as recoil, that's the nature if that beast, I have an enfield 1917 I don't shoot just because it leaves me black and blue

they are very, and cheap as hell to shoot. I just bought the sd attachments its a bigger can and hand grip. not the real suppressor but it looks real lol we need get a group shoot meet.. real soon
Ready whenever everbody else is,pretty much any weekend,or nice weeknights aren't bad either...

My son put a Redfield on his 30-06 Savage along with some nice mounts. I like it. $150. Crisp crosshairs like the $300 Nikon, but its a shade down on in-scope light compared to the Nikon. I just pulled the 50mm Simmons off my Marlin. Going bareback next deer season.

Matt do you know where that place is in Minot that has the 300yd pit? Or Powerlines? Someone here used to talk about it (adam barril) He said you could just drive up and shoot with enough parking for 4+ cars.

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Next weekend- looks like sunday might be a good day. Im going to be heading down to the cornfields out back to do some longer range stuff. I set up a 10 to 30 yard handgun area also,works pretty slick. If someone with a truck wants to come along,I have a big table that I can bring down,and a nice shooting bench. Were located right across the road from the litchfield fairgrounds.

Hrmmm. I might be available for this. I've got to wait for the wife to get off work and make sure I'm not already scheduled for something else.


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